Ch2: the secret but not so secret song

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I walked home from school. I was on my way home. I didn't take my Jeep. I was thinking about my song, it has now been a week since I released it and it started to get popular. I couldn't believe it.

Me, stiles. The scrawny little human. Starting to get popular on one of his songs. And I still didn't want my pack to know so I used a fake DJ name. Pretty smart if you ask me.

When I came home to an empty house I walked upstairs to my room and started doing homework when I got a text from Scott.

Hey bro! Wondered if u wanted to join Lydia's party 2nite? It will be epic!

I smiled at the message and typed that I would come and he texted me back saying he would meet me there with the rest of the pack.

I continued on my homework before I had to get dressed. God I hate math. Math is useless like Malia said. Oh well I can use it for knowing what to tips at a restaurant, but that's the only thing I can think of.

When I'm done doing homework I get up from my desk and stretch out and then walk into the bathroom. I take a shower, brush my hair, and get dressed in a jeans, a blue flannel and a black t-shirt underneath.

I walk out from the bathroom, i take out my phone and check the time.


It's soon time for the party because the party starts at 8:00pm. I go downstairs and take a water bottle and an apple out of the fridge and sit down in a the kitchen eating my apple before I had to go.

I agreed with Scott that I would pick him and Kira up I would do that first.

When I arrive at Scott's house Kira and him are already in the driveway running to the Jeep and I'm honking the Jeep signaling for them to come inside the Jeep. They jump in into the old, rusty, blue Jeep.

"Hey guys!" I say and they reply back with an 'hey' and I start driving the Jeep.

When we get to Lydia we see most of the school already there so I'm guessing that the pack is already there. We exit the Jeep and start to walk towards the house. We knock the door and out comes Lydia. She welcomes us in but then quickly vanishes when she yells at someone not to get beer on the carpet or something.

We walk deeper into the party. There are music, beer, drinks, snacks and all types of people here. All the way into the crowd I see the rest of the pack. Malia, Liam, Allison, Isaac, Mason, Corey, Jackson, the twins and finally Theo. We walk over to them and they see us and yell at us.

"Hey guys!" They yell is over. We walk over to them and starting a conversation. And of course I'm interested in the conversation. Yeah of course. But that is only until I hear one certain song on the speakers.

My song.

Everyone is dancing to the song. They are dancing to my song.

I'm jumping with joy inside of me. Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by Isaac.

"Hey you guys have you guys ever heard this song?" Isaac asks.

Everyone in the pack says no.

"Yeah I just asked since I think the song is cool but I've never heard about it." He says and all of the pack agrees on that the song is cool and I try to look as normal as possible. That's when Lydia comes over to us.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late! Um what song is this?" She asks.

"We don't know it just came up." Scott answers. And I'm flushing with embarrassment but don't show it.

«Huh... i like it.» she says. And again I'm flooding with joy. All of the other pack members go out of the dance floor and start dancing to my song. I go into the crowd too but I soon decide against it and goes over to the snacks and check my music profile where I put out my song. I check and sees that it has over 1 million listeners. I also see that I have two texts. One from Robin and one from the guy who kind of owns the place I have my studio. His name is George


I write her back something simple and then check the text from George.

I saw your views on your songs. Congrats man!

I reply back a 'thanks' and the my thoughts gets over to the party again. I just stand were I am. Seeing my friends in the crowd dancing to my song. I am so happy and I wonder what this could bring me eventually.

Okey so that was ch2! Hope u guys liked it! Looking forward to update this! Oh and the song it on the top of this chapter!

!I own nothing except the plot, And the original characters in this story!



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