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"maybe it was fate"

the minute I laid eyes on you when you walked past me in the hallway, I knew I had to figure you out.

you were crying the day Ii approached you, hiding in the hallway by the cafeteria. until then, Ii hadn't known boys could cry. my momma had always told me boys were supposed to be tough.

for a little while, when I was watching you cry, I thought you were childish. that you weren't manly. but I decided boys should be allowed to cry if they were hurt when I saw the anguish in your eyes. you stared at me as if you were a rabbit and I a wolf.

"why are you crying?"

"what does it matter to you?"

I cocked my head at you. "you're sad, but about what?"

"why do you care?"

"because... I don't know. I just don't like to see people sad."

you sniffled, wordlessly wiping your wet nose before breaking into a lovely grin. "I'm okay, really. I'm just having some trouble at home."

I didn't understand what you meant then, but I decided to adopt you as my best friend from then on. I would take care of you and make you forget what was going on at your home for as long as I could.

"what's your name?"

your lips seemed to tremble before you spoke. "jonghyun. you?"

"daseul. do you... do you wanna be my friend?"

"I'd like that very much, actually."

I beamed at you. "then come on, you can sit with me at lunch."

the rest is history.

and this is the history book.

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