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scintilla: (n) spark, trace

"Oh, Dreeeeam!!" I cooed into my mic as my character sprinted towards where the compass was pointing on my screen. Monitor shining brightly in my dark room, my eyes searched for Dream's nametag along the horizon. 

A low "go away" came from Dream's mic and I chuckled, deciding to fuck with him a bit.

"I see you~" I almost whisper and I can practically hear him looking around nervously from wherever he was, the clicks from his current project stopping momentarily to check if I was lying or not. 

"No you don't, you liar," he chuckled and the clicks continued. Suddenly the compass swung around and I froze. Turning slowly, I backtracked a couple of blocks and the pointer swung again. "Why're you being quiet?" Dream's voice startled me from my thoughts.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding and laughed, trying to sound light and unworried. "I just found something really useful, that's all." I smiled to myself.

"Oh, did you? And what would that be?" I could hear his suspicion and a small chuckle escaped my lips from how seriously he was taking this. 

"Just a couple of endermen that spawned right next to each other. Now shut it, I'm focusing," I say, nonchalant. 

He started to laugh at my serious tone and his wheeze rang through my headset. 

"I said shut it, tea kettle," I sneered, which caused him to laugh louder. I decided to focus and began to dig down, two blocks across to see if there was any opening below me and not fall into it. The call fell silent, my head ringing with speeding thoughts and keyboard clicks. I was so hyper-focused that I didn't notice Dream's clicks had stopped completely. 

I came across an opening in the ground and noticed it wasn't that long of a fall. I dropped down and turned around to the source of light in the otherwise dark cave. 

A nether portal? That's weird... I hadn't seen the achievement in the chat. Wait, that means he didn't go through... I checked my compass quickly and turned around just in time to see a flash of bright green decked out in a gray that taunted evilly from its place on his character. 

I gasped and ran towards the portal out of instinct. I didn't have as much armor as him and I didn't trust my PVP skills enough to accept that fight. I made it to the portal quickly and worried my lip as the screen wobbled with distortion and I waited for the portal to kick in, small "cmon"s passing through my lips, trapped in every breath I took. 

I made it to the nether as soon as his character got to the portal and he cursed lightly as I watched him disappear, my screen instantly filling with netherrack and lava. Quickly glancing at my health, I noticed I had a bucket of lava in my inventory and placed it above the portal. The lava flowed down, covering the entrance and I could see the toes of Dream's armored boots come through the portal before I dipped. 

I held my breath but soon started laughing maniacally when a loud "WHAT!?" came through the call. 

"DIE BITCH," I screamed, maybe a little too loud, into my mic. I could hear the scramble of buttons and flurry of his hands trying to save himself. Turning back to where I came from, I saw his blob of an avatar make it out of the lava, but it scrambled around trying to put out the fire surrounding him. 

"Why won't this fire GO OUT!?" He yelled and I laughed harder. My back hit the back of my chair as I was thrown into a spit of heavy cackles mixed with an embarrassing blend of wheezes. 

"No, no, no," His voice grew into a whisper now and I opened my eyes just in time to see his character die and half of his items burn in the lava. "NOOO!!" 

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