Spoon attack

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~(y/n) pov~

Today me and the guys were having a sleepover. I haven't seen them in forever because they've been on tour.

Originally Liam was my best friend, but he introduced me to the guys after X-Factor. We all have grown very close.

Right now we are watching the Titanic. Harry, Zayn and I are actually watching the movie while Niall eats all the snacks, Louis is tearing my house apart looking for carrots (which I already told him I don't have) and Liam's texting his girlfriend Maya.

(Ik they didn't know each other back then but Liam and Maya are really cute sooo...)

The part where Rose pushed Jack off the door comes on. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I yell at the TV causing Niall to look up from his ice cream. Liam looked up from his phone and even Louis stopped for a second.

Harry and Zayn pull me back down while chuckling. "Its not a big deal." Harry says. Me and Zayn look at him with disbelief. "He's already dead. Why did she have to drown him even more?" Zayn asked.

Zayn and I are alike in a lot of ways. We both hate Rollercoaster, scary movies, and LOVE chick movies. Its like we're the same person.

Harry goes into explaining why it wasn't that big of a deal. "Whatever." I muttered. I hear a loud crash in the kitchen.

I rise to my feet as fast as I can. "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMILSON! WHAT DID YOU DO?". I run into the kitchen to see Niall sneaking more food into his mouth.

"Urm. Liloueh ehwant tat whay." He says with his mouth full. "Niall James Horan.". His eyes go wide. "What did you break?". "I dropped a spoon.". I smirk.

"A spoon?". He nods. "ZAYN, HARRY, LOUIS COME HERE." the boys come rushing in fast. "What? I got a bat.". "Is everyone okay?". "What did Niall eat this time?".

"Get some spoons and make a spoon cross.". They all looked at me weird except for Louis. Louis wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"I have taught you well." He sighs. I laugh. Once everyone has their weapon we go to Liam. He didn't even notice we were gone.

"Liam?" I said pretending to cry. His head snaps up. "Whats wrong (y/n) are you okay?". "Ya. I just..just..." we all pull our spoon crossed in front of us.

Liam screams and runs away. We all bust out laughing. "Omg....did...did..you see..his..face?" Zayn says in between laughing fits.

Liam came back. "Ha ha very funny.". He comes up and tries to tickle me for revenge. I pull out my spoon cross.

"NUH UH. BACK AWAY YOU FORK FREAK. I ONLY KNOW SPOONS.". Liam gets frustrated which only makes us laugh even harder.


I had a totally different idea for this chapter but it somehow turned into this.

I had a totally different idea for this chapter but it somehow turned into this

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