part 1- notice

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(Y/n) yawned as she pulled her (h/c) hair up and pulled a sloppy ponytail up onto her head, knowing that her audience couldn't see her. Getting up from her bed, she glanced at herself past her mirror which stood alone in the corner. (Y/n) was 19 almost turning 20, and living alone. Living alone was nice for (Y/n) because no one bothered her or barged in besides for her best friend, which didn't annoy her because it's nice to have company every once in a while.

Walking to her setup alongside the corner of her room and placed her drink down on the spruce spruced-up table. (a/n aha see what I did there,,? ahaaaa- I'm not funny, anyways)

Mentally, alongside physically, prepping herself as humming came from her waking computer, and soon enough, it turned on. Quickly typing and clicking away, the stream was ready to commence.


|bunnie| @Astrobunnie ✔︎ ( could be whatever you'd like!)

a new stream fo today?? click the link to join babes,, <3


|user 1| @kfjadsjv

:00 bunnie I love you! what are you going to do today???


|user 2| @floweerr

pls sing to us bunnie ! 🥺 if not, Minecraft??


|bunnie| @Astrobunnie ✔︎

@user1 @user2    awe tysm! I was thinking a quick q & a and then if we have time, I may sing for you dears :)  I was debating on Minecraft but I have no one to play it with 💔


She lets out a small giggle as her twitter thread filled up with comments along the lines of 'awww' or 'you'll find someone to play with one day!'. (Y/n) placed her phone on the table and clicks 'start stream', already her comment section was filled and was moving incredibly fast.

"Woah woah! calm down everyone," her laugh rang of honey and scamming rich people for fun. "Welcome to the live stream, how is everyone on this fine afternoon? My day is going quite well, so I hope yours is as well!" She reads her quick paced chat on how they're feeling along with other comments.

(Y/n) kept trying to read them before getting interrupted by a robotic voice reading aloud her first question, directing her attention as she tried to find a single-player game while she listened.

"How old are you?"

"Hm.. how old am I? Immortal, I never die, next-" (Y/n) broke out into laughter before actually answering, "No no I'm just kidding, I'm 19, almost 20-"

The chat broke out laughing and started to mention another YouTube/streamer named "technoblade" because she apparently made a reference.

"Huh? Who's technoblade?" uh oh- All hell broke loose in the small chat box, people screaming and spamming





'Oh goodness- everybody here must really like this techno guy..'. "O-Oh alright guys, alright- I'll watch him later !-" (Y/N) tried to calm the chat back down before getting another donation from one of her viewers. "So basically, technoblade is a Minecraft youtuber and streamer and he's very funny, one of his quotes are 'technoblade never dies' so that's what were all talking abt. love you sm!"

(Y/N) listened as she pulled up a random game and smiled to herself when the donation was completed. "Thank you so much ____ for the donation! Does he always talk in third person though? I mean it's funny so.." Giving a little chuckle while she spoke before receiving many responses in the chat.

Y/n proceeded to chat and answer questions as she played simple kids games on random websites (rip adobe).

"Are you in a relationship?" It read.

"No I am not in one, so I am very much single," getting humored by her own loneliness. "But it's all good though!"

She chatted for a while as she played, humming a few melodies as she went. Eventually (Y/n) said her goodbyes and then went offline. She leaned back in her chair and stretched her arms up, feeling her back crack with a sigh of relief. "That stream was pretty good!" She spoke to herself, leaning back forward and clicking onto youtube. Her finger clacked away to find the person her viewers were referring to, once she found a video she started to watch.

One after the other, she got wrapped into the deep male's voice, even though his smooth voice referred to brutal implications of small and/or orphaned children, she found it hilarious.

Minutes became hours, and hours became days; the male had captivated her and she couldn't get over him. (Y/n) watched the videos on her laptop, the light of the minecraft world illuminated her face in her dark room. Eventually, even though she didn't want to, she stopped watching and tweeted quickly.

|bunnie| @Astrobunnie ✔︎
@Technothepig you're pretty cool, i really like your voice <3

(Y/n) threw her phone across the soft bed and watched it bounce, her eyes widening as she realized what she typed out. She grabbed her pillow and screamed, trying to get all her embarrassment out.

'What if he thinks I'm being too much? I put a heart there, what is he going to think?!' (Y/n)'s mind sped 1th of a millisecond before she took a breath and calmed herself. 'Maybe it's not so bad- yeah- I write like that all the time and plus, I'm just complementing him!' The beating in her chest had calmed down and she drank some water. The thrown phone had lit up the dark room, showing a notification that came from twitter.

Gathering her courage, (Y/n) crawled over and picked up her phone as she took another breath, ready to read what has been replied to her.

|Technoblade| @Technothepig
@Astrobunnie Thank you. I also think you are cool and adore your voice. :)


a/n alrighty! did first chapter, feeling really nervous asf  hope you guys like it!! 🖐😖💗💗💗 990 words :)

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