(Draco X Reader Girl) You Broke Me First

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So I got inspired to write this one from "You Broke Me First" by Tate McRae.

House: Your choice
Year: After Hogwarts
6th year

I was waiting in the astronomy tower waiting for my boyfriend Draco to arrive. We usually had late night dates here. He was taking a little longer than usual.

I waited for hours for him but he never showed. I went down the stairs and saw him with Pansy. They were making out. I felt my heart shatter in a million pieces.

"Draco?!" I asked, quietly my voice full of sadness.

He immediately pulled away from that kiss. "Y/N, it's not what it looks like."

"Really?! Because it looks like you're making out with Pansy!" I shouted.

I ran off with tears brewing in my eyes. "Y/N!" He called after me.

I kept running until I got into my common room. I ran into my dorm and crashed into my bed. I sobbed into my pillow.

After that I haven't heard from him in months until he sent a letter to me asking for me back, claiming that it was a mistake.

I rejected him, he was a scumbag.

Soon I graduated from Hogwarts after the war. I moved to London and took singing gigs at bars and pubs.

Current Day

I stood backstage, reflecting on all the memories I had with Draco. He broke me.

I walk onto to stage with my guitar. The audience applaud. I started to play the notes on my guitar and then I saw him. Draco Malfoy. He had sadness in his eyes. I looked directly at him and sang, letting all my emotions out.

"Maybe you don't like talking
To much about yourself
But you should of told me
That you were thinking
About someone else"

"Your drunk at a party
Or maybe it's just that
Your car broke down
Or your phone's been off
For a couple of months
So you're calling me now"

"I know you
You're like this
When sh*t don't go your way
You needed me to fix it
And like me
I did"

"But I ran out of every reason
Now suddenly
You're asking for it back
Could you tell me
Where'd you get the nerve?"

"Yeah, you could say that you
Missed all that we had
But I don't really care
How bad it hurts
When you broke me first"

"You broke me first"

"It took a while
I was in denial
When I first heard
That you moved on quicker
Than I could've ever
You knew that hurt"

"Swear, for a while
I would stare at my phone
Just to see your name
But now that it's that its there
I don't really know what to say"

"I know you
You're like this
When sh*t don't go your way
You needed me to fix it
And like me
I did"

"But I ran out of every reason
Now suddenly
You're asking for it back
Could you tell me
Where'd you get the nerve?"

"Yeah, you could say that you
Miss all the we had
But I don't really care
How bad it hurts
When you
Broke me first"

"You broke me first"

"What did you think would happen?
What did you think would happen?
What did you think would happen?
What did you think would happen?"

"Now suddenly
You're asking for it back
Could you tell me
where'd you get the nerve?"

"Yeah, you can say that you miss all
That we had
But I don't really care
How bad it hurts
When you broke me first"

"You broke me first"

I finished singing with tears streaming down my face. I run backstage and cry. I sit in a corner hugging my nears. I shouldn't care how bad it hurts, but it does.

I feel an arm pull around me. I look up and see Draco. I pull his arm off of me and stand up. "Get away from me you git!" I shout.

"Y/N, please it wasn't my fault."

"So it wasn't your fault that your tongue was down Parkinson's throat? Wow, I totally believe you." I say sarcastically.

"I get it that you're mad, but please listen to me." He begged.

"Why should I?"

"Please I'm begging you!"

"Fine, you have 30 seconds." I say.

"Thank you-"

"29 seconds"

"Pansy put a love potion in my drink that night. She convinced me not to go to the Astronomy Tower that night. She pulled me into a kiss and I couldn't resist. My brain was saying yes but my heart was telling me the opposite. Please believe me!" He said.

He didn't do it on purpose, he was under a potion. A potion that Pansy gave him, just wait until my hands get the hold off her!

"I get it if you don't belie-"

I caught him off by smashing my lips into his. At first he was shocked but he quickly melted into it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. We hesitantly parted.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."



Sorry if it's crappy. My writing isn't the best.

But anyway I hope you enjoyed.

And please don't be afraid to leave a a request. I will accept any request, but I won't be doing smut. I want to save my remaining innocence.


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