Chapter Three:

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Searing pain flowed throughout my body. Everything hurt. I was expectation to feel crushed metal around me but there was soft wet grass instead.
I opened my eyes and the light of the sky burned my eyes. something wasn't right... it was the middle of the night why was the sky blue. I also had my seatbelt on so why was I laying on the grass...
I tried getting up but pain from my abdomen and leg made me lay still. How was I supposed to get out of here... better yet where was I to begin with.
Rustling from my right ought my attention.
"Hello? is anyone there!?" my voice sounded horse an scratchy "hello? Can you help me?"
as the words left my lips I realized just how stupid I was . What id these people were not nice. What id they wanted to use me to sacrifice to there god... I stopped calling for help but the rustling continued.
Soon I could hear footsteps and it wasn't long before a familiar face stepped into view... it was Alex's face...what the hell was he doing here and why was he looking at me like I was some alien. He wore a white puffy shit and strange dark brown pants and boots. His deep red hair was pulled back to a pony tail and of cores he had his glasses.
"Alex? What the hell are you wearing? And why are you just staring at me like that?"
"who is this Alex you speak of?"
now this was confusing , here was this guy wearing strange clothing looking like Alex's twin and claiming he has no idea who he is.. Then again here I am laying on some grass in pain after just being in a car crash.
"your chest is bleeding"
he was right, I did feel a worm liquid substance on my chest...
"what's your name?"
"i thought it was rude to ask for someone's name without giving your first"
He smiled and seemed glad that I asked.
"My name Is Giddian, your turn"
"Im Jonathan"
"Now that's strange name"
"Not stranger the Giddian, now are you going to help me up or are you just going to leave me here."
"Oh of cores" Giddians face turned a little red...was he blushing?
he held me up and finally go a good look at my body. My arms had glass shards scattered about them my chest has a slash going across it probably from the seat belt. My hip and legs also looked to be cut by glass but it was hard to tell from my jeans. My face felt numb but I was sure there was injury's there as well.
" i guess im in pretty bad shape arn't I" my legs felt like they were going to calaps. Iv never seen so much of my own blood. Giddian was supporting much of my weight as he helped me from the forest clearing it turns out that I was pretty lucky he was hunting near by and heard me calling for help.
Not much was said on the way out of the forest I was feeling fairly light headed and sick to my stomach.
"were almost there so just hang on a little longer"
Giddian's voice sounded faint even though his mouth was next to my head. Was I going to pass out?
"Jonathan are you alright?"
Things started to get darker.
"Jonathan can you hear me?"
Tunnel vision started.
"Jonathan you need to stay-"
everything turned black...

I awoke to a soft blanket over me and a comfortable pillow holding my head up. I wasn't wearing my clothes anymore but a shirt that was similar to chest was wrapped in bandages and so were my hips and down.
"feeling better?" Giddian walked out from behind a loth Curtin that hung from the ceiling . I seemed to be in a cabin of some sort with various medial equipment.
"Yeah actually, what did you give me?"
"oh, just a little home remedy"
he walked towards me carrying a try with some food on it.
"you should eat this , it will make you feel even better"
the bowl looked like it had a kind of beef stew in it. I took one sip and I was hooked I ate the whole bowl before he could bring up a conversation topic.
"wow, you really liked it" he laughed and took the bowel from me "so do you remember how you got here?"
"not really, the last thing I remember was driving to my friend Alex's house and then I think I got into a car crash...that's why im so beat up"
"oh well,...what a car..?"
i starred at Giddion for a while before accepting the act that he wasn't kidding he seriously didn't know what a car was..
"well...its a machine that gets you from point a to point b in a short amount of time"
"oh , like a horse "Giddian eyes lit up with excitement and understanding was honestly really cute...
"Exactly ,Hey Giddian who put these bandages on me?"
Giddian cheeks turned a rosy red that almost matched his hair.
"oh, that was me"
now it was my turn for my cheeks to turn red...definitely time to change the topic.
"So Giddian tell me a bit about this place."
"This region of the land is called Abgrund, here there are a lot of forests and valleys and its very easy to get lost in. im pretty surprised that you made it to the forest clearing with out being attacked"
Giddian stood and took the bowl to sing in the corner of the room.
"Attacked by what?"
"Wild animals or the Royal guard"
"The royal guard? So there is like a king here? This struck me as a bit odd.
"well there's a queen" Giddian finished washing the bowl and returned to his spot on the chair next to me.
"Her name is Regna but everyone around here just calls her asonq babaw" Giddian laughed but I didn't get what was so funny "she has ruled this land since she was only 14 years old, now that 4 years have past its clear that she was not a good chueen Jonathon. Anyone that disobeys her is brutally punished " Giddian fell silent after that.
" Oh i see... hey Giddion I cant stay here for long I need to find my way home. How long do you think it will be until my wounds are healed?"
"You mouse understand that you don't only have a few broken ribs but that there are little shards of glass lodged inside of your arms ,chest and legs" Giddion gave me a concerned expression " it will most likely be a few weeks maybe months for you to fully heal." "I cant wait that long" I through the covers off of me and sat on the edge of the bed. " I have to find a way home quickly"
Giddion stood from his chair quickly and put a gentle hand on my chest " hey now, don't be moving around to much or your stitches will end up coming out"
pushing his hand away I walked to the sink and took a look in the mirror that hung above it above my left eye brow there say a fresh slash tat was about three inches long, stitches kept the wound sealed. " I need to get home so my family knows that im alright."
"Well you cant go out looking like that now can you " Giddian laughed from behind me.
"looking like what?" looking down I realized that I wasn't wearing any pants only gaz covered my lower abdomen through my mid thighs. I had the same shirt that Giddian had on when he found me with a few more bandages underneath it but other then that . I was practically naked."Do you perhaps. Have any clothing that I could wear?"
"I may have some of my older brothers clothes" Giddian went to a chest that ws at the ed of the bed I was sleeping in. he pulled out some white gold and forest green cloth. " here they are " he through them at me. " go ahead and get in them they should fit you just right."
looking at the strange material, they didn't look like any normal clothes I had ever seen but then again what was normal in this world. " I feel like im going to regret putting these on..."
"Oh shut up ad put the damn clothes on"

The clothes were soft on my skin but still faintly stiff from being in a chest.
"Are you sure you don't have anything else to wear?"
"positive, now sit back in bed before you hurt yourself more then you already have." Giddian tried to reach for my arm but I pulled back.
"Giddian i have to find a way to get home I cant just be sitting here all day waiting for my wounds to heal" I walked to the door and opened it. Stepping out side to see that forest trees surrounded me.
"Well if you plan on going out then you are going to need a guide" Giddian grabbed a long coat off of a coat rack next to the door. "you'll also need someone to patch you up when you hurt yourself"
I laughed " hey now, I don't get bashed up that often"
"well from what iv seen that is not the case. We need to head towards the town of new coven . There should be someone with info on how to get you home there." we walked down a dirt path that was surrounded by trees.
"whatever happened to old coven?" I laughed thinking that my joke was hilarious.
"oh it burned to the ground after a revolt against the queen was disbanded." Giddian said it with such ease that it took me a while to realize what he had just said.
"burned to the ground?! So the queen really is that much of a bitch"
we came to a break in the trees where a field lay. Giddian stopped.
"What are we stopping here for?"
"Im getting us a ride"
"a ride? From who? His place is empty"
"oh you'll see" Giddian smiled before whistling loudly. It took a while but two horses appeared in the distance running towards us. One was a black and white mix the other was a dark brown.
"now this is going to be interesting.

Asleep in one world, Awake in the other.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ