Chapter Two:

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No one was home when I arrived, it was to be expected. I did leave early. Mom or dad would probably get a phone call about me skipping and about what happened today. I walked up the stairs and started a shower, slipping off my blood stained shirt I tried to wipe some of it out but quickly realized that it was no use. I stripped and stepped into the shower to think about what had happened. The warm water felt good on my exhausted muscles. Coach had been working us soccer boys pretty hard all week, my muscles were so tight that I felt like I could barely move. My thoughts drifted over to Alex. I wonder if he's alright, sure he can handle himself in a fight against Brandon but he must have gotten some kind of injury. Maybe a few scrapes or a black eye, if so Brandon would have walked away with much worse. Alex had always been the one to stand up for others. Anyone can rely on him to do what needs to be done…
I pressed y hand to my chest,  remember when we were younger a class bully was stepping on my chest and Alex came to my rescueHe was always the one that came to my rescuer.
After drying off i stepped into my room to find my mother sitting on my bed. I quickly wrapped the towel around myself.
"Mom! What are you doing in my room? Aren't you supposed to be at work"
"Oh come on its not the first time I've seen you naked" she rolled her eyes.
"Mom, you saw me naked when I was a baby, im turning 18 in a week don’t you think I could use a little more privacy?" it seamed like she hadn't received a call from the school yet so I was still in the clear.
"come on and get dressed, im taking you shopping"
now this caught me by surprise.
"shopping? What's the special occasion ?"
she stood up from the bed "well your going to go see Stacy tonight so you need to look your best for her"
Shit.…so she did know. "Mom I don’t have to look good for her. I can just wear my regular clothes"
She turned back at me. "you do realize what the stakes are correct?" I've never heard such a stern tone come from her "your little stunt today at school has your fathers job at risk"
"Mom , he needed help. Me and Alex wert just going to let Brandon bear up a defenseless kid" why was she doing this  her and dad had always told me to defend those who couldn’t defend them selves.
"Brandon was doing what the sisters were to afraid to do, teach that boy a lesson" her face started turning red and she left my room.
It was suppressing to me just how barbaric my mother was about the topic. I know that religion wasn’t always the kindest about gays but I thought that my family would be more realistic with the topic.
I took a glance at the clock 14:30 (2:30pm) I still had some time before I had to go pick up Stacy…no matter how much I didn’t like it I knew what I had to do. My dad was the main income of the family, sure me and mom had jobs but he is the lawyer of the family.Pulling on some boxers I slid into bed opting for a nap over thinking more about the topic. I needed to get some rest before dealing with the she devil.

I awake to my little sister bouncing on my bed.
"wake up , wake up, wake up!"
Lizzy bounced on my bed dressed in her school uniform.
"Aw, come on Lizzy just let me sleep" I pulled the covers over my head.
"mamma said to come and wake you up so you can go on your date "she stopped jumping and laid on top of me.
"Its not a date Lizzy . She's not my girl fired and she's a she devil. That is all"
"oh, big bother be anger." she giggled " come on its time to get up"
" you know, for a 7 year old your pretty persistent" I sat up in  bed. Lizzy looked up at me and smiled " what's so funny?"
"oh nothing, I just know something you don’t " she started to skip out of my room.
"hey, what is it that you and I don’t !?"
"Ill tell you once you get back from your date" she giggled
"its not a date!" I through my pillow at my door playfully and the pillow closed the door for me. Taking a look a the clock I jumped out of bed to get dressed. 18:45 (6:45pm) im screwed.
After having to grab some money id have to take the 45 min drive out to Stacy's house.
Jumping into a white t-shit and a black button up and on old pair jeans I ra down stairs happing to avoid my mother and father. Sadly you again my attempts to be quick enough were in vain.
"Hey, Kiddo " that’s what dad always calls me "where you running off to in such a hurry?"
"Did mom not tell you? I have to go on a playdate with Stacy"
 dad gave e a puzzled look " I thought you didn’t like her?"
" i pissed her off some how and she's threatening to get you fired"
dads face turned sullen. " oh im sorry son. I now that its hard being around her…but thank you for doing this"
"yeah, no problem, hey I gotta go pick up some money and then go pick her up so…"
"oh, et me give you some cash" dad puled out his wallet and handed me a 100 dollar bill. " go try and have fun "
i smiled , dad was the only on other understood how annoying Stacy really is.
" Thanks dad, ill  see you after I get back" and with that I was out the gone.
Jumping into my black 2014 Camaro, this thing is my baby. I made it to Stacy's house a little after 8 but she didn’t seam to notice. She was dressed in a white luck of the Irish shirt, some ripped jeans with her hair pulled back , I guess I was right about the party's dress code. We arrived at the party witch was at Chelsey's house, one of the popular girls in school. Not really the kind of crowed I hung around with. Stacy would not let go of my arm for the entire party. She clung to me like a sea urchin.
I didn’t pay much attention to the people at the party. Why should I, I didn’t want to be there anyways. It was almost midnight when Stacy took me up stairs to a guest bedroom. By this time there was more then a few spiked drinks in her system. I had become her baby sitter for the night. We entered the room and she pushed me onto the bed.
"come on Stacy your drunk , lets go home "she put her hands on my ants and tried to undo my belt. "wow , OK. That’s far enough" I stood up quickly and pushed her away from me. "Stacy, if you don’t leave with me right now your going to have to find another ride home" I brushed off my shirt and grabbed my keys from my back pocket.
"why don’t you love me…"
"what? Stacy your going to have to speak up I cant hear you"
"why don’t you love pretty, I have money we would be perfect together" she stood up from the bed and started walking towards me.
"Stacy , your my dads boss" she got even closer so I took a few steps back before I knew it I was backed against the wall. She pressed her body against mine and stood on her toes to reach her lips to mine.
"kiss me" the smell of alcohol was distinct on her breath.That was my last straw.
I pushed her back and started heading to the front door.
"you really are just like Alex and George you fag!"
Stacy's voice followed me out the the front door. I ignored everyone that was staring at me and just made a bee line to my car… I couldn’t stay here anymore… I needed to go to Alex to chill.
I jumped in my car and started on my way to Alex's house.
half way there i got a text from Stacy.
looking down for that split second changed everything . The last thing I remember was the sound of screeching tiers and sharp glass against my face. 

(Chapter Three coming soon)

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