Chapter Four:

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It took us a few hours to trot into New Coven. In  the end I ended up riding Smarts the brown horse and Giddian rode Sasha the black and white horse. New haven remanded me of a midlevel town. Buildings were made from stone, the gothic style cathedral towered above all the other buildings and dirty streets … yup just like in the books. The sun had started setting by the time that we arrived.
"New Coven isnt much different then old Coven , this place s full of bandits, gamblers and pickpockets so make sure you stay close" Giddian stopped outside of a place that looked like a tavern. We get off our horses and tie them up before stepping foot inside. " remember stay close and stay quiet" When we walked in all eyes turned towards us. It was clear that we were different from them. The people that populated the tavern looked like they had killed 20 men and wouldn’t mind adding two more to the list, they were barbaric.
I did as Giddian told me to and stayed close to his side. We walked towards a old man that Sat in the corner of the room next to a checker board. Giddian acted natural as he walked through the tavern he has definitely done this before. I on the other hand was shaking from being so nurvus.
Giddian Sat and pulled a chair up beside him for me to sit. The room picked up again with a Buzz of conversation.
"Hello Giddian, what can I help you with this time?" the old man was missing an eye and his face sagged with scars littering it.
"Hello Frankie, I was wondering if you could help me get my friend here home"
The old man glanced at me before returning his gaze to Giddian.
"He's not from here is he"
"That's why I need your help, have any ideas on how to go about this Frankie?"
The old man leaned forward in his chair and spoke in a low tone. "Why don't we play a little game first and then I'll tell you what you want to know" Frankie smiled showing his rotting yellow teeth.
Giddian returned the smile with his pearly whites "your on".
With that the game started. Frankie made the the first move. They both were consintrated solely on The game. It was a long time before either one of them spoke.
"So tell me about this place you are from" Frankie kept his gaze on the checker board .
"Well, my world seams to. E more advanced then this one. We have cars and phone's even plains. But y'all seam to have a lot offer medical
Knowlage. " I crossed my legs nurvously.
"Our scientists decided to persu medical science instead of transportation. That is why we have all of the equipment. Giddians parents were doctors so he still has there equipment."
I glanced at Giddian but he didn't seam to notice that he was in the conversation.
"So Giddian here has offered to help you get home"
" I found him in the woods while I was hunting" Giddian had the same stature as the old man, head down low with hi a hands crossed in front of his face.
"Ah so you did , did he also patch you up?" Franie motioned his hand at my head referring to the slash above my eye brow.
"Yeah,I say he did a fairly good job at it. I feel better then ever"

It was hard to see in the dim light but Giddians cheeks turned a little red.
Frankie glanced up at him and laughed to himself.
“What’s so funny Frankie? Giddian sounded a little offended but I didn’t understand why.
“oh come on son, all I did was laugh a little”
“im not your son”
“but you are my grandson”
hold up this old ugly scary looking guy was his Grandfather? Frankie smiled and turned to me.
“so now you know where he gets all his dashing good looks “me shot me a smile and laughed deeply.
Gidddian on the other hand didn’t seem so amused. This made me laugh ” yeah I guess your right about that”
I won” Giddians voice broke our laughter, looking down at the board I realized that all of Frankie’s checker peace’s were gone.
“Well boy I guess today is just like every other , you always win our games.”
“So are you going to be able to help us?”
Frankie sat back in his chair and crossed his arms “you’re going to have to make a track to the queens palace there’s a crystal there that should be able to transport you back to where ever you came from. There are rumors about it working but if it exists that’s where it will be”
“Grandfather your crazy. There’s no way that can be true.”
Giddian ran his fingers through his hair “that kind of technology is way ahead of our time”
“do you really think it will work?” o say forward om ,u seat “ I need to get home and if that is really going to work then I will do anything to get it.”
Frankie smiled and leaned twords me. "boy you will learn quick that if you really want something that badly in this world... it will come true"

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