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Tsukari is not a normal human. She lives in the doodle sphere along with ink. She doesn't have a specific age but she gave her "age" out as around 18. She is outgoing and selfless, but can get very serious and stoic. She's pretty passionate about the aus, so much so that if she sees the aus suffer, she'll ask ink if she can go and help out.

It usually leads to arguments and tsukari only wins a handful of times by using sneaky psychology tricks.

She can teleport, use blue magic all except for the gaster blasters thanks to ink,  and shoot out little orbs of energy each a different color corosponding to the 7 soul traits which she uses a lot more then the bones which are only used for capture. Unlike ink, she does have a soul. Her soul is golden, representing balance. She also has small shards of lost monster souls within her soul, adding a white glow onto the gold. There's also a faint red hue thanks to the determination she gets everytime she helps an au.

It takes a bit for the monsters in each au to trust her, especially the judges. Usually she'll go to whoever the judge is in the aus she goes to cause they're the only ones other then the fallen humans who know about the resets and other aus.

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