A Life of Tragedy (Broken pieces written by RyanSquad)

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So today we are going to be going over one of my favorite stories on FanFiction.net. I highly recommend you read it, along with the first book "Two Cubs: Raised Together". But for now, let's jump in.


Alright, I have been watching a crap ton of video essays so bear with me here. but before we begin, we have to establish the concepts of memory and trauma since those two terms will be important.

Trauma is an experience so painful that it affects the very identity that a character is built on. it can easily be described as an internal wound. A physical wound, depending on how severe it is, can distract you to a certain degree.

But Trauma is a wound that you can't adapt to or ignore long term. instead, it affects you at a constant rate and can distract someone, which results in poor judgment and can influence someone's behavior altogether. Because of the trauma, we can't imagine the future because the painful memories are holding us back.

Memory is however affected by the Trauma. Our memories are what can shape our characters, and Trauma is an event that can destroy those memories. As a result, remembering is often a painful process.

However memories can also prove to be at someone's disadvantage when someone can't learn to let go, and as a result, the memory has shaped the person in a negative way that can have dire consequences.


Unlike other stories where Kion and Kopa seem to get along well, this story has taken a different approach. Kopa gets the idea that his brother dislikes him when he pays attention to Kiara instead of him after his birth. And despite newborn Kion's attempts at gaining his brother's affection, the memory of kion "favoring" his sister over him held him back from seeing him as his brother.

It was made clear that Kopa has a dislike of shared affection from the first book. When Nala was focusing on Nuka (who had escaped his abusive father) Kopa seemed to dislike the idea and tried to smack him away.

And this behavior and memory carry on when he sees his sister getting along with Kion, and as a result, has grown to dislike Kion for no reason other than the fact that he subconsciously feels like he is entitled to everyone's attention.

This small event in his life would be the spark the leads, everyone, down a dark path.


Subsequently, Kiara has a different experience with her younger brother. She feels a desire to protect Kion, as shown when he almost gotten killed. After this occurred she decided to take things more seriously, but at the same time, she took things too seriously and pushed him away.

The memory of her almost losing Kion has resulted in her unintentionally pushing away the brother she promised to protect. She forgot that she was his big sister and that he needed someone to be there for him. Although she tries at times to stand by his side, it wasn't the same as their relationship before the incident.

Another consequence of Kiara's newfound responsible attitude is that she focused so much on her royal duties, that she ignored the abuse Kopa inflicted upon her brother, and allowed him to get away with it.

There's a certain part of the book where Kiara realizes that she was born in the morning when the light rises, Kopa was born midday not leaning towards light nor darkness, and Kion was born at night.

This can also be symbolized since we are unable to see the darkness, and what leads up to the darkness at the beginning of the light, showing how Kiara is unable to do anything and is oblivious to her brother's actions and the effect it has on Kion. As a result, she is ignorant of the situation and just assumes that everything will be fine.

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