i have a plan

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okay so i am back, yippeee!!

i should put my excitement aside.

lets get back to the story,


"what happened? why did the movie paused?" steve asked while some of them groaned watching the film paused.

"oh nothing, i just was tired to write more" i said slipping up some additional details.

"writing what do you mean by writing" asked natasha narrowing her eyes and by the look of her face, she was suspicious.

"oh no no no, not writing, i was writing my homework" i said nervously and all seemed to buy it. keyword "seemed". i gulped and said, " why don't we continue the movie" and nervously laughed.

[In a classroom, Peter Parker sits down next to Ned Leeds.]

"why are we watching a kid" asked fury impatiently. he really wanted to get this done, "aren't we supposed to watch spiderman"

"yeah who is this kid" this time it was clint.

"is he-" the words stopped from steve as everyone eyes widened.

"no he can't be. he is a kid. it isn't his age to be a super hero" said tony worried.

"yeah it must be his teacher" said bruce. Aww i forgot about him. sorry bruce😳😳

"i think we should watch before coming to conclusions" said natasha and everyone seemed to agree.

i think you all should meet him with your own eyes" i said before clapping my hands and five people dropped in the cinema. (i am actually writing cinema cause i don't know the spelling of theatre.)

they were a two boys and a girl of age 12 and two adults. the skinny boy got up along with two adults who instantly started to check for his injuries and forgot to notice the world's mightiest hero's. the avengers focused on the boy and after a while their minds clicked.


"ben where are we. we were playing legos in my ro--- OH MY GOD IT'S TONY STARK" the young immediately realised he was in a room with iron man and instantly ran towards him. tony felt a little nervous on seeing the young fan. he wasn't really good with kids and didn't wanted to upset him. the kid reached near tony and clapped his hands happily feeling a dream come true, "OH MY GOD YOU ARE TONY STARK, I AM A VERY BIG FAN OF YOU. YOU ARE AN AMAZING HERO AND YOU REMEMBER YOUR STARK EXPO. YOU WERE SOOOOO COOOL. I WISH I COULD BECOME A HERO LIKE YOU. YOU KNOW I WAS THERE TOO WHEN THE ROBOTS WERE ATTACKING AND I SAW A HERO COMING NEAR ME AND I PUT MY ARM UP LIKE I COULD TAKE IT DOWN BUT YOU CAME BEHIND ME AND SHOT IT AND YOU ALSO SAID "NICE WORK KID" I WAS SO EXCITED TO MEET AND WANTED TO THANK YOU BUT YOU FLEW AWAY. I JUST WISH I COULD BE LIKE YOU ONE DAY--" the kid kept on rambling which made tony smile. all the avengers smiled at his adoreness.

he pulled the boy and ruffled his hair, "kid i am glad to meet a fan like you and yeah i remember you. you were that one strong kid. i believe you achieve greater heights in future and no i want you to be better than me" the billionaire smiled at his cute fan whose eyes widened at his hero's words.

"but how can i be better than you, you are tony stark and i am just peter parker" the boy said with sad eyes.

"Oh trust me peter you are already better than him" pepper intervened smirking at tony.

"hey" tony whined making peter giggle. it was this moment when heard another squeal and another boy came running to them, "OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM MEETING THE TONY STARK IN REAL LIFE. AM I DREAMING? PETER PINCH ME. I REAQWWW WHY DID YOU PINCH ME (peter pouted and glared at him) OH MY GOD ITS NOT A DREAM. I AM MEETING TONY STARK. I AM NOT DREAMING--" the billionare lauged, "yeah kid you are not dreaming". ned just looked at with more wide eyes, " OH MY GOD. DID JUST TONY STARK TALK TO ME. PETER I THINK I WILL FAINT ANY SECOND NOW." the avengers chuckled at the kid's adorness. before they could continue a man and a woman came and stood before the kids.

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