☆Chapter 2☆

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~☆Cross' POV☆~

'Okay. So Ink has another child!? Why didn't he tell me!?' I think to myself. Sprinkle is coloring again and the four of us just sitting in shock while watching Ink sat down on the couch again.

It's kind of obvious that Paperjam is a bit frightened, so I decide to introduce myself. He is my nephew after all.

"Hey Paperjam, I'm Cross" I said and he turned to face me. He doesn't look as afraid anymore and smiles, I smile back and nudge Dream to introduce himself.

"A-and I'm Dream!" He says nervously while smiling. PJ looks to him still smiling, Blue continues the line of introduction, "I'm The Magnificent Blueberry!" He says proudly, and Dust finishes, "I'm Dust."

"Alright I have to get to work! PJ, you can chose weather or not you want to stick with one of your uncles, one of your brothers or if you just want to play." Ink says, I can't tell if he's upset or happy though.

I'm still wondering how he hid Paperjam from us for 2 YEARS, okay I'd get like a week or two, maybe a month.. But TWO WHOLE YEARS!? I'm so telling Reaper and Geno... I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt a tug on my hoodie and look at what it was.

Paperjam was standing there, while Ink was just grabbing his brush. He looked nervous, so I picked him up and placed him on my lab.

"You okay there buddy?" I asked. "Yes I'm fine.. Do you know when momma will be back..?" he answers.

"He should be a few hours. I'm sure he has a lot of work to catch up on. He's not been at work for a few months now" I said giving him a comforting smile...

~☆No one's POV☆~

There had been many things ruined in a bunch of AUs. Mostly from not being checked on in a while, but some from Error.

He didn't want to destroy something if there was something wrong with Ink. 'Just incase it upset the balance' He thought. Though he was obviously just worried.

Error was worried that something bad happened to Ink, he just didn't want to admit it. He was his enemy after all, right?

Error was sitting in the anti-void, starring at his Ink puppet. 'Where are you Squid...' He thought realizing what he said he started blushing a little.

He decided to just go to sleep, so he jumped onto his bean bag and fell asleep, completely forgetting that he was still holding the Ink doll.

Now, for the past two and a half hours Ink had been repairing AUs. He was kind of bored. Just then a few voices came around.

'Oh my gosh are you okay!?' Said one of the friendly creators.

'Where have you been!? We've been so worried!' Said another.

'Speak for yourself.' Said a mean one, followed by another nice creator saying

'Hush! No one asked you!'.

Ink was lucky that there was only one mean creator right now. the meaner ones always distracted him from his job.

Ink was just finishing up with the last AU he needed to fix. Then he heard Creation speak to him.

'Where the hell were you.' They said to Ink. All the creators had left quickly after they arrived. "I was with... I was taking a break.." Ink couldn't let Creation find out about the kids. They'd be a good bribing method for Them.

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