Chapter 4

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He didn't sit with me in the class today.
Rather he sat on the last desk with new girl, Lee Jieun.

Both if them kept talking and laughing.
Tbh, I am jealous.
But, I know I shouldn't be because Jungkook is mine and I don't think that he will give up on us so quickly.

But a question that scares me is there even an us? Or I am just imagining things?

It was raining today.
I didn't bring an umbrella with me but I waited for you because I knew that you bring one.

I saw you coming towards me with a big smile, I smiled back.
But..... you walked past me
and went to Jieun instead.
You acted like I was never there.

I felt tears in my eyes but you know one of the reasons why I love rain is that they don't let your tears to be seen.

I walked home without a umbrella in the rain, soaked wet.
Tears brimming from my eyes.

I reached home and got freshed but
I got a fever and stayed in my bed for the rest of night thinking about you.
Thinking about.......

Do you like me or it's just my misunderstanding?

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