Chapter 8

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I woke up only to see that I'm back at home.
But how I come here? I don't remember coming back here.

I checked my phone,
29 missed calls from Jisoo
30 missed called from Jennie
26 from Chaeng
5 from Yoongi oppa
70 messages in our group chat
5 missed calls and 2 messages from you

Without any hesitation I opened your messages first, see how whipped I am for you

From Kook-

Where are you cupcake?

Jennie told me that you weren't feeling well, so you went back home. I hope you're well.
And also do you know why the girls and also the boys were pissed at me. They were ignoring me completely.
Jennie even punched me.
Seen 7:15

Jennie really did that? Well...that's sad. I hope Jungkook's fine, Jennie is really good at these things.

I was thinking about all these things when suddenly I heard some hustling in my kitchen. Wait...... is there a thief?

I grabbed the vase near my bed and made my way there.

I saw a boy dressed in black crouching down in front of the cabinet in my kitchen, his back facing me.

Whoever it is, I will not leave him.
I ran towards him and was about to him when he suddenly held my hand.

Shit......what should I do?
I tried to break free but his hold was kind of strong.

"Lily, Lily stop it. It's me."
I stopped as soon as I heard his voice, I turned around only to see the person I thought I will never see again in my life.

I said my eyes wide as saucers as tears filled my eyes.
God, the person I need the most right now is here in front of my eyes.

I hugged him tightly. He chuckled and hugged me back.

Bambam is my father's business partner's son and my bestfriend before I left Thailand.

And he's here.

I asked him how he find me and all.
He told me how he planned to surprise me.
He asked Jisoo where I was and just when he was passing the road in car to go the venue from where I ran away, where I got my heart broken,
he found me fainted on the sidewalk.
Maybe because of the rain

He also scolded me. He's like my father really. But how I wish it was someone else. But unfortunately that person's gone forever.

He asked me what happened to me and why I was out in the rain instead of going to the party. I just changed the topic which I know that he noticed but chose to ignore it for my sake and I'm grateful to him for that.

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