Chapter 6: Thomas tells the others.

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The next day, Thomas had a very busy morning but he wasn't happy. He wanted to be with Hiro. Percy then arrived.

Percy: You looked worried, Thomas. What's the matter?

Thomas looked at his best friend, he always told him everything.

Thomas: I've found the oldest engine on Sodor. His name is Hiro.

Percy: Bust my buffers! Where?

Thomas: I'll show you later. I promise. He need me to look after him. Will you help me?

Percy: Of course, I will, Thomas. What can I do?

Thomas: Please, will you take this flatbed farm machinery to Farmer McColl for me?

Percy: But should I do with my mail cars?  

Thomas: I think you should hide them somewhere safe for now. Somewhere right off the tracks and later you can carry on with your mail delivery.

Percy: Okay.

Thomas: Now, I chuff away to Hiro as quickly as we can.

Percy was excited. He was happy to help Thomas.

[The scene changes to Percy on the main line]

Percy had puff a long way. He was on tracks he didn't know. He was looking for somewhere to hid his mail trucks.

Percy: Must find somewhere right off the track. My trucks must be safe until I get back.

[He stop when he saw a line went into some woods]

Percy: This is the perfect place to leave my trucks. No one will find them here.

[He puff into the woods and the scene changes to Thomas heading to Hiro's hideout] 

Thomas  puff happily towards Hiro's hideout. he were so busy thinking about helping Hiro that he didn't see Spencer steaming up behind him.  

Spencer: What are you doing here, Thomas? You're a long way, away from your branch line.  

Thomas: I'm on my way to.. Brendam Docks.

Thomas raced away from Spencer and the summer house as quickly as his pistons can pump.

Spencer: This is very strange. Very strange indeed.

Thomas didn't dare chuff to Hiro until much later.

Hiro: I thought you weren't coming, Thomas.

Thomas: I'm sorry I was late, Hiro. I ran into Spencer on the way here.

Soon, Hiro's piston rods were in place.  

Thomas:  Don't worry, Hiro. I'II come back with some more spare parts for you as soon as I can.

Hiro: Thank you, Thomas. Please don't get into trouble for me. I'm a old engine.  

Thomas: And I will make you new again. Bye, Hiro.

 Thomas was puffing home as fast as his pistons can pump. He was late. He had to puff past the summer house.

Spencer: Thomas? You're up to something, aren't you?

Thomas didn't answer. He chuff quickly away. Spencer followed, close behind. Thomas was puffing fast. Then Thomas saw Percy at the water tower. Percy look sad.

Thomas: What's wrong, Percy?  

Percy: I popped a valve when I was pulling the heavy farm machinery. 

Thomas felt sorry for his friend. Spencer had followed Thomas. He steam to a stop.

Spencer: Dear, oh dear, Percy. You should let a stronger engine pull the heavy load. 

Spencer chuffed on. 

  Thomas: I'm sorry, Percy. You were helping me. Now, you've broken down.

Percy: I'm worried, Thomas. I still haven't deliver the mail. Sir Topham Hatt will be cross.

Thomas: Don't worry, Percy. Tomorrow, I'll help you.

Thomas buffered up to Percy, and pushed him all the way to the Steamworks. The Sodor Steamworks was quiet. Victor was very surprised to see Thomas came in with Percy.

Victor: Flaming fireboxes. What's happened now, my friends?

Thomas: I asked Percy to pull my special for me. His valve popped.

Victor: Why didn't you pull it yourself?

Thomas: Um.. Because I, uh....

Percy: Because he... Oh!

[A bang make everyone cringe and turn to Kevin]

Victor: Oh! Kevin! Slowly, slowly. Gently, gently.

Kevin: Sorry, boss. Just a slip of the...

Victor: Hook. I know.    

Thomas: Victor, please don't be cross with me. It was really my fault that Percy broke down. I just wanted someone to cover my work for me.

Victor: What do you mean by that, Thomas?

Then Thomas saw the old parts. He knew Hiro needed them. He knew he would have to tell Victor about Hiro.

Thomas: Victor, I need your help.

Percy: We need your help.

Victor: I'II always help you my friend. What is it you need?

So, Thomas told Victor about Hiro. Victor was amazed.

Victor: Very good. Looking after another engine is very important. Especially looking after an old engine. Tell the Fat Controller.

Thomas: No. We can't tell him. He'll send Hiro to the Smelters' yard.

Percy: Thomas is right! But if we fix Hiro and make him a really useful engine once more, that will never happen.

Victor: Okay. I understand. And Thomas. Whatever I put in this corner of the yard, you and your friends can take.

Narrator: Thomas and Percy are very happy.

Thomas: Thank you, Victor.

Victor: Okay, Percy. Your turn to be fixed.

[The scene changes to Tidmouth Sheds]

That evening, Thomas puff into Tidmouth Sheds. Sir Topham Hatt was waiting. He was cross.

Sir Topham Hatt: Thomas, I hear Percy was pulling your special instead of delivering the mail. And now Percy's mail cars are missing.

Thomas: I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean for Percy to broke down and we don't even know where his mail trucks are. I will help Percy find them tomorrow.

Sir Topham Hatt: That's exactly what all of you do tomorrow. By my order! (echoes)

Sir Topham Hatt's boomed round Tidmouth Sheds from top to tracks. All the other engines looked at Thomas. They knew something's strange was going on.

Edward: Thomas? Is everything all right?   

Azul: Yeah, Thomas; we can tell something is wrong.

 Thomas huff a huge puff. He needed his friends' help.

Thomas: (sighs) I have something very important to tell you.

Narrator: As the stars sparkled above Tidmouth, Thomas told them all about Hiro. The engines had never heard such a amazing story.    

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