Chapter 8: On the run

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[The scene changes to dawn the next day]

Dawn broke across the island of Sodor. Spencer was back on the tracks.

Spencer: Today, I will find out what tricky Thomas is up to.

Spencer was looking for clues. He look behind bushes. He steam down sidings and puff closer and closer to Hiro's hiding place. Suddenly...

[Spencer whistles, alerting Hiro, James and Toby]

Spencer whistle long and hard.

Spencer: What's this I found?

James and Toby heard Spencer. They pump their pistons.

Spencer: Rattle my rods. I found Percy's mail trucks. These must be part of tricky Thomas' tricks.

 Suddenly, James and Toby steamed out. Spencer had puff too close to Hiro. James blew his whistle and Toby rang his bell. Together, they chase the mighty Spencer down the track and away from Hiro. Then, Eagle and Azul chased down Spencer, one on each side!

"You won't get away this time, Spencer!"

 The five engines raced and roared to a junction. Then Thomas chuff towards Spencer. 

[Spencer sees Thomas and screeches to a halt]

Spencer was blocked. He couldn't puff forwards and he couldn't huff backwards. And he had Percy's mail carss.

[The scene changes to Knapford Station]

Sir Topham Hatt: Spencer, why did you take Percy's mail trucks? You have caused confusion and delay.

Spencer: But I didn't take them....

Sir Topham Hatt: I'm not interested in your excuses, Spencer. Find Percy and give him back his mail trucks at once.

Spencer: I won't let Thomas get away with this.

[The scene changes to Thomas arriving at Hiro's Hideout]

 That afternoon, Hiro was waiting for Thomas. He was excited. His firebox flared and his steam swirled.

Thomas: Percy will be here soon with your water injector. It's the last part you need to make enough steam.

Hiro: I wonder if Sir Topham Hatt will have seen any pictures of me?

Thomas: Of course, he will. He'll be very proud to have you as part of his railway.

Hiro: I'm so happy. I have waited a long time.

[Then Spencer's whistle echoed]

 Suddenly, there was the sound of a loud whistle.

[Spencer's whistle again]

 It was a whistle they all feared.

Thomas: (gasps) It's Spencer!

Hiro: He's found us! Help, Thomas. Spencer will make sure he'll send me to the smelter's yard.

Thomas: No he won't, Hiro. You're nearly fixed. You can puff away from Spencer. Follow me.

So, with a pounding puff and a heaving huff, Hiro was on the tracks, following Thomas to steam away from Spencer. Hiro steam down the track, rattling and clattering. His pistons pumped and his boiler bubbled.

Thomas: Well done, Hiro!

Hiro: Thank you, Thomas! (laughs)

Then there was trouble. Spencer snaked onto the tracks behind Thomas.

Spencer: Found you, Thomas!

Thomas: Spencer!

Thomas' wheels whirred like the wind.

Spencer: You won't get away from me this time!

Hiro chuff as fast as he could. He wanted to wheesh away from Spencer. Then Spencer saw Hiro and gasped. Spencer had never seen a engine as strange as Hiro before.

Spencer: Who are you?

Thomas: Hiro!

Hiro: Thomas!

Spencer: That engine can't even puff properly.

Hiro's engine had started to clatter and clunked. His steam dome shook and his cylinders creaked. Hiro was worried. Without the last engine part, Hiro can only sputtered and sputtered. Hiro's new lamp broke loose and hit Spencer. Now Hiro's engine started to judder and jitter. Parts fell off. They clang and they bang onto the track.

Hiro: No!

Thomas: Don't worry, Hiro! You can do it!

[A yellow screw came out of Hiro]

Hiro: Thomas, help me!

But the harder Hiro huff, the worse he wobbled.

Thomas: Keep puffing, Hiro!

More parts clattered and scatted from Hiro's engine. 

Hiro: Thomas!

Thomas: You can do it, Hiro!

Spencer: I don't think he can.

Hiro knew Spencer was right. The Master of the Railway was once more a heap of scrap. Hiro couldn't puff on.

Spencer: Is this what you've been doing, Thomas? Making a heap of scrap for the Smelter's Yard? Because that's the only thing that this engine's good for. Sir Topham Hatt will make sure of that!

Thomas felt terrible. He had worked so hard but he had let Hiro down.

Thomas: How can I stop Hiro going to the Smelter's Yard now?

[Then Gordon's whistle is heard]

Then Thomas heard another whistle. It was Gordon and the express.

Gordon: I'II race you to Maithwhite, slowcoach Spencer. I'II win.

Spencer was surprised. He saw Gordon thundered ahead with the express.

Spencer: Oh, no you won't, Gordon. I'II win.

Spencer steamed after Gordon. His funnel flared and his wheels whirred. Just then, Azul puffed in; he was relieved that Thomas and Hiro were alright, but he was also very shocked.

Azul: What happened?!

Thomas: (sadly) Spencer found out about Hiro, now Hiro will be taken to the Smelter's Yard for sure! And to make matters worse, Hiro have lost all his parts we've given him. Oh, he'll be scrapped for sure now.

Azul: No, he won't. Because there's an old siding right there.

Thomas: And it's hidden behind some big bushes.

Azul: That's it. We'll hide Hiro behind those bushes.

Thomas: Don't worry, Hiro. We'II hide you down here. Everything will be alright.

 But poor Hiro look sadder than ever.


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