Chapter One: Remembering

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Pat sat on the stage in the pizzeria, deep in thought. How long until someone comes? He wondered. What will they do when they see the dead body inside Bryan? Most importantly, is he a murderer? Maybe he was lying to us this whole time, and he remembers everything perfectly well. He could just be acting, for all we know. What if he tries to kill someone? What if he tries to kill me?
As Pat thought about this, a figure walked into the room. Pat didn't even notice them, until they sat down next to him and asked, "You doing okay, Pat?"
Pat jumped where he sat and fell off the stage.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you," Bryan said, helping Pat onto his feet.
"I-it's fine. I was just a bit on edge," he replied. "What's up?"
"Well-" he began, until Roxanne ran into the room, Chica behind her, and yelled, "Shopping spree!"
I'll have to talk to him later, Pat thought, and ran after Roxanne, Chica, and Bryan, who followed them into the mall.

After Pat had put everything back where it belonged and gave them all a stern talking to, he rested on a nearby chair.
"Are you okay? You look a bit tired." Bryan approached him from behind, a bit concerned. He saw how tired he looked, and understood how he felt, although he wasn't sure why.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired," Pat replied. "Hey, wasn't there something you wanted to talk to me about before all that chaos?"
"Er, well..."
"Come on, you can ask me anything." Except to kill me.
"Well, okay. I was wondering if you might be able to fix my memories yet. I know you said you were unsure, but it's been a while, and since you kind... think I'm a murderer," the last words came out slow and forced, and it was obvious to Pat he was hurt by that. But if there's any chance he is one, he had to be careful. At least, that's what Pat told himself as he listened to Bryan talk. "maybe you could at least give me a chance to defend myself?"
Pat sighed. While he did have a point, he still couldn't trust him one hundred percent. There was a dead body in his back, so who knows what could be in his head? But after giving it a lot of thought, he said, "You do know I'm not perfect at it, right?" Bryan nodded. "And my boss will be coming soon, so I won't have a lot of time. If he gets here while I'm still fixing you, he may decide to scrape you and you wouldn't be able to have any input."
"I trust that you'll stand up for me. You promised, and you would never go against a promise."
That made Pat feel a little guilty. Someone as kind and innocent as Bryan could never be a murderer, right? Still, he told himself, I have to be careful.
"Alright," he agreed, "let's do this."

It had been a few hours since Pat had started fixing Bryan - well, tried fixing Bryan. Pat didn't know very much about fixing animatronics and he wasn't very successful. So when his new boss called to announce he was at the pizzeria, Pat was jumping for joy. He ran straight upstairs, delighted to have help fixing Bryan, but when he saw his boss, he wasn't as excited.
"Hello," the man said, "my name is Davis and I am your new boss. What's so important?" He had black hair and wore a suit and tie, but what really startled Pat was the fact that he didn't have a face. He litteraly didnt have a face. How is that even possible?! he screamed in his head, but being polite, didn't even mention it, although it was hard.
Pat cleared his throat, trying get that off his mind. "There's an animatronic in the basement that I've been fixing, and there are some, worrisome things about him."
"Let me get this straight," Davis started, "I drived all the way here just to inspect an animatronic that you fix as a way to pass your time?" Pat tried to interject, but Davis kept on talking. "You do realize you're a nightguard and not a repairman? And if anything, you should fix him in the security room so you could keep an eye on everything." He sighed. "I know that you're not getting paid very well but you should consider yourself lucky. The company is not at it's best right now, and we don't have that much money of employees, so remember that the next time you think you don't get paid enough for this."
"There's a corpse inside Bryan!" Pat yelled after waiting for just a second to talk, then realized that he yelled at his own boss, and apologized. But Davis didn't seem very interested in his apology.
"What do you mean? Who's Bryan?" Of course, Davis knew very well who Bryan was, but according to Charlie he died, so he knew he was missing something.
"Just, come downstairs and I'll show you." Pat sighed. This had been a rough night for him, between finding a dead body inside Bryan, chasing him around the sewers, and having to stop Chica, Bryan, and Roxanne's "shopping" spree. He was just about ready to get home to his apartment, even if it ment school.
Once Pat had explained what was going on to Davis, he said, "Is there any chance you might be able to fix him?"
"I don't know. I've never delt with something like this before, but I'll try," he replied, and got to work.
A few hours later, Davis announced that he was done, and turned Bryan on.
"Bryan? You should be able to remember everything now. But," he added with a nudge from Davis, "you'll have to prove to us you're not a murderer."
Bryan stood there for a few moments in shock, then ran into the sewers as fast as possible.

I know, it's 12:30 ETA. Please don't question it. I have a horrible sleep schedule. Magpie out-

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