Chapter Three: Questions

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Swear warning!

Once Davis and Pat finally caught up with Bryan, they started lecturing him on everything they could think of
"Why were you running? I told you I won't let anything happen to you!"
"What the hell were you doing?! We just fixed you, you should be thanking us, not running away!"
"You're only making yourself more guilty, you know. Remember, I have proof that you could be a murderer!"
"Do you know how much fucking pressure I've been under, running a whole company? You're not making this any easier on me!"
"Did you remember something that made you want to run or something? We can talk about it if you like."
"Also, I'd like to talk about that name of yours at some point."
They went on like this for a while, until they finally wore themselves out talking so much, and stared at Bryan expectingly.
"Okay, now that you two are done, first I just want to say that I got my name from Chica's creator. You may know anyther Bryan, but he's not me."
"But why is there a corpse inside you?" Pat asked.
"I-" Bryan thought for a moment whether or not he should tell them the truth. It wouldn't hurt to tell them a version of the truth, he thought, then said, "I used to be human."
Pat looked both confused and terrified, but Davis gave a look that said he understood, or at least, that's what Bryan thought. It's kinda hard to tell what someone is thinking when they have no face.
"How is that-" Pat began, but Davis interrupted.
"Anything else we should know?" He snapped. Bryan didn't really want to talk to him, as it was obvious he wasn't exactly in the best of moods, so he made his answers quick and short.
"I wonder if maybe I could, um, help you out with some things?"
"And what do you mean by that?" he asked.
"Well, if I could, like, take care of a few problems you're handling. I know you're under a lot of stress, and I want to help out somehow."
Davis thought for a moment, then said, half to Bryan and half to himself, "There has been a bit of chaos at my pizzeria." He straightened his tie and said, "I will send you over to my pizzeria. There's been a little bit of a problem between the animatronics. See if you can sort it out. I'll call someone to move you." He pulled put his phone and called someone, likely the truckers.
"Great!" Bryan exclaimed, excited, but Pat didn't seem as happy as him.
"But, that would mean we wouldn't get to see him again," he interjected.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to see you and the Glamrocks again," he said with a fake smile. He didn't want to leave either, but he knew Molten must be looking for him, and he didn't want to go back to his regular life, where he was called names every day, not one of them kind, where his friends thought it didn't bother him, where he had to face the fact that nine more of his friends were dead. He had already lost half the people he knew and loved, he didn't want to half to lose anybody else.
"Alright," Davis said, putting his phone away, "you're getting moved tomorrow. Be ready by then."
"Will do," Bryan replied, then remembered the last thing he wanted to say. "Wait!"
Davis stopped in his tracks. "What is it?" he asked, his voice dripping with venom. Anyone could tell he didn't want to be here.
"Sorry to keep you, but I have one more request." Bryan tried to sound as polite as possible. He didn't want Davis to help at anyone again.
"Spit it out, I have things to do."
"Well, I was wondering if I could go by a name other than Chica's dead creator."
"And what do you want to go by?"
"How about Showtime Steve?"
Davis looked between Bryan and Pat, and nodded. "Fine by me," he said, and walked out.

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