Chapter Two: Filling In The Pieces

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Bryan ran as fast as he could, upstairs, into the vents. But to him, it didn't really feel like he was running from Pat and Davis, but that he was running from the past. He didn't want to face any of that again. He just wanted a new life, a new chance to be him without the past always affecting the future. He just wanted to run, run from his problems, run from the past, run from the deaths, run from it all. But after a few minutes of running, he remembered something, something he hadn't at first. He hadn't lost his memory because of Glitchtrap, he lost it because of himself. He stopped running and let the memory flow through his mind...

Bryan had woken up from a month-long coma, and started exploring the downstairs of the pizzeria. It took him a while to realize it, but at some point, he stared recognizing it. Hang on, he realized, why am I in my pizzeria? He had been working on a new location for a little while now, and planned on moving everyone there, leaving behind Freddyland. Leavinf behind the portal. All it ever does is cause chaos, he thought, I don't understand why everyone thinks he like going through it. In fact, it was quite the opposite. He knew it was safe as long as he was the one who worked it, as he had had many, many years of experience with portals. In fact, they seemed to follow him. It seemed like wherever he had kind of a base of operations, there was a portal. He knew he was connected to them, he just wasn't sure how. But if not used correctly, it could do anything from permanently changing your look to destroying the Space and Time Continuim as we know it. It had killed so many of his friends, that half of Bryan's time at home was spent plotting ways to destroy it, even though he knew there isn't. Plus, he was still slightly curious about them and why they seem to follow him, so he didn't make any attempt to destroy it. All he wanted was to use it to bring his friends back, to see them once more. He felt it was his fault they were sucked into it. When they came back out, they were decayed and mangled. Not exactly something that would happen to a kid.
Alas, Bryan was only seven when it happened, and it was quite a tragedy for him. He cried for days, and had no one to cry on. He tried to get in contact with a few of his other friends who knew about the portal, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find them. No one seemed to remeber them, not even their parents. It was as if they simply never existed. But then why do I remember them? he wondered. Never mind that, I need to focus on what's happening. But at that moment, he looked to his shoes, except they didn't look like his shoes. In fact, now that he thought about it this whole situation isn't right. He should be dead right now, bet he wasn't, though he did feel weird.
He rushed to the bathrooms to look in the mirror, but when he did, he wasn't staring back at himself. He took a few steps back, terrified, then it hit him. Molten must have been trying to save me, he thought. He hadn't realized he was that important to him. But how had he ended up here? He searched his memory, but the last thing he remembered was sacrificing himself for Molten.
"I'm not exactly sure you would call that sacrificing, but sure, let's go with that."
"Vile? Is that you?" A figure appeared in front of Bryan, shadowy at first and eventually came into the form of what looked like himself, but Bryan had been living with him for years, and immediately noticed the slightly darker hair, the maroon eyes, and a darker vibe in general, although he was a kind soul, just misunderstood.
Vile gave a small grin and replied, "Who else would I be? Aphrodite?"
Bryan snorted, or at least, as much as he could as an animatronic. "If he ever hears you compared him to you, he will murder you. You should know by now he doesn't exactly get along with you."
"That's the fun of it all!" he replied. Bryan just shook his head. Someday Vile was gonna push Aphrodite off the edge, and that day was gonna be pretty soon.
"Anyways," Bryan went on as if that conversation had never happened, "would you happen to know what happened to me?"
"Of course I do, I watch you all the time," he answered, "but just tell me now if you want me to go in full detail, and I can promise you, I doubt you'd want to hear it."
"If you don't think I'd want to hear it, then why would you ask?"
Vile shrugged. "Thought I might as well. Basically, when you decided you didn't want to live anymore," Bryan gave him a look, but he just ignored it, "well, first Molten and Baby escaped, almost killing Glitchtrap-"
"Almost?" Bryan interrupted. "What happened?"
"Molten smashed the Portal Timer, then crippled Glitchtrap so he couldn't escape the blast, but that didn't really work out. He escaped to another dimension and is probably plotting revenge on us all.
"Anyways, Molten, Baby, and Bon carried you to the hotel hospital and Molten tried making you an animatronic to save you, but it didn't really work out. Instead, you're stuck in what I like to call an Afton situation."
"What about Baby?" Bryan asked. "Is she okay?"
"Dead," Vile replied with zero emotion, which slightly bugged Bryan.
"When are you gonna learn to speak your emotions?" he asked.
"When you learn to express yours," he replied smugly, which Bryan ignored.
"What else happened? How did I get here?"
"Well," Vile began, "Bon insisted you die with the Glamrock so Molten moved you with them. A little later, the truckers you called to move the Glamrocks to this location picked them - and you - up and moved you here."
"Wouldn't they've noticed I don't exactly look like the other Glamrocks?" Bryan inquired.
"Of course they did, but you quite irritated on the phone with them, so they had to make sure they were moved as fast as possible. When they got here, they weren't exactly sure what to do, so they stuffed you down here."
Bryan sighed. "Makes sense. What should I do now, thought? I can't exactly just go back to the park as an animatronic."
"You want my opinion? Erase your memories and start a new life."
"That's... actually a good idea," he agreed.
"Always the tone of surprise," Vile muttered.
"What was that?" Bryan asked innocently, but Vile just ignored him.
"Alright, I'll go find some tools." Vile said, "See what you can do until then." And by the end of the night, Bryan had his memories erased and powered off, Vile to wake him in a month or two. He probably wouldn't pay much attention to how long, but Bryan was his friend, and following a quote from a TV series he watched in free time, he said to himself, "Brothers by chance, friends by choice."

Comment if you know what TV show that quote is from! There's probably a lot more people who'll know it than I expect, so expect me to be surprised.
I'll give you a small hint: it's not exactly the same quote as it is in the show, but only one word is changed.
Magpie out!

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