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eXcUsE mE


dont private message me if you dont like a rating on a ship-

like wtf

thats creepy and weird

and stupid

some random person message me about not liking my rating on Bakudeku

yo i told you its mah opinion

why argue with it if you know you cant change my mind

like why?

its stoopid


i told yall in the beginning that none of my opinions actually matter and dont take them seriously 

this was just for fun-


but pls guys dont do this if you do ill immediately delete your message and block you -_- 

again this book is just for fun and not to be taken seriously


so dont comment "Oh why dont you ship this or that why do ship that" blah blah blah

just tell me your rating not asking why i dont/do ship that

i dont mind what your rating is i just want to hear peoples opinions and reasons why they do 

i wont even judge you for opinion.

person who messaged me: If your reading this please know that I respect your opinion for bakudeku but please dont come at me for not shipping it, i have my own reasons not to.

Messaging me because you dont like my opinion on it is childish and STUPID. so please stop :)

the message did have harmful and vulgar language. Yes i know i use vulgar language too but not in a serious way shape or form. Using it as an insult is pretty harmful to peoples self esteem. I'm already low on that why make it worse. I wasnt really bothered by that though but some people will be bothered by it

and dude

if you read my stories

you would know my name is Skylar

so dont call me Ms. Aleneyeye

im a teen not an adult

like bro

ANYWAYS moving on

Thank you guys for 370 reads, it was literally yesterday i thanked you for 294, we got 76 reads over night thank you thank youuuu thank you all 

Im hoping this story may reach 1k views 

this is the most views i got from a story that i started 2 weeks ago

normally i get that many views after writing for 3 months on the same story.

so i thank you for it

10 more chapters will be updated today

ok bye bye!

-stupid idiot author named skylar is offline-

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