Trust Tests and Plushies

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Janus’s P.o.v:

I helped the queen cook breakfast along with Thomas, Gaurdia, Nightlara and The cooks. Virgil was Training with Elisabeth again with Roman and Logan Watching And Remus and Patton’s dad had went to check in on Patton after helping set up the table. Yesterday around noon we had arrived and broke the King and Queen out and they restored the memories of the people and the portals were opened again. We were also given rooms that was in the same hallway as patton. The girls already had rooms and Once we made sure Patton was taken care of, The King and Queen had helped us decorate each of our rooms. They had told us that there was a room in each castle now for us.

“PATTON!?” I hear remus yell out in a bit of a panic. We stopped and left to go see what was happening. Except for Gaurdia and Nightlara who continued to help the cooks cook food. We were actually in the land location this time so ya. Logan, Roman and Virgil also ran to see what was up. When we got there we saw a bunch of stuffies spilling out of the room and Patton’s dad was trying not to laugh. Remus had a face that was like ‘Seriously!?’ as he looked into the room.

“Let me guess. He woke up and had found whats in the closet.” Queen Opal asked. Kind Winter had nodded finally laughing.

“There was more stuffies in the closet of the room?!”

“YEEEEESSS!” A Happy voice said from the room. It was patton. I think he was happy with all the stuffies that surrounded him. I soon move to see inside the room and I see that There was an actual SEA of Stuffies. They even covered patton’s Bed! The bed was a bit big but other then that it was actually somewhat normal. I started laughing a bit too and I soon see patton poke his head out of the Stuffies before going back in. There was actually so many stuffies that you couldn’t see patton move around under them.

“Oh wow. That is a lot of stuffies.” Virgil said looking as well. Opal soon uses her magic to lift a bunch of the stuffies to see patton. He was Holding into 7 different stuffies. He kinda acted like a cat since he was on one of the bean bags that was in the room. 

“Breakfast is about ready sweetie.” Opal said putting the stuffies that Patton didn’t hold onto away. 

“Okay mom!” He said. Patton soon came out and we all headed to a different area to sit and talk and all that. It was nice to get somewhat back to how it was about 4 days ago. Once we got to the area Patton had Handed each of us a stuffie that matched each of us.

“There is multiples of those once but they reminded me of you all. I couldn’t find ones for the girls yet.” Patton said smiling brightly. Like he wasn’t just hurt to all heck yesterday and was kidnapped.

“Thanks Pat. By the way. How are you doing?” Virgil asked.

“Oh im doing much better.” Patton said. I knew he was telling a halve truth. I know you all know about the scales and how I sometimes say the opposite of what I mean but I also can Turn into a sneak and tell if anyone is lying as long as I pay attention to the Conversation. Patton was doing much better on his physical pain but emotionally, I could tell he didn’t know that He was going to need help with Mental pain. I didnt say anything about that.

“Thats good. Although do know that if there is anything you want to talk about, you can tell us.” Virgil says smiling a bit. Patton nodded a bit smiling as well.

“Dont worry. I will.” He said. It was the truth.

“Breakfast boys!” We hear Gaurdia yell out. We smile and get up to eat. I watched patton as I remembered what we talked about yesterday while he was out and how we met and how he came to trust me.

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