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Riley's POV

Buddy is laid on the floor in front of me. I'm laying on my side with my head propped up on my hand and elbow. I let my fingers run along the side of the dog's body. The boys come back into the lounge each of them holding a plate of pizza. They all sit on the couch and eat in pretty much silence.

Buddy randomly stands from the floor and runs out of the room. I find this odd as everyone is in the same room and he didn't ask me to go out. He returns moments later with his toy rope in his mouth. He must have gotten into my backpack. He trots over to me and somewhat shakes the rope at me.

"You're ridiculous," I chuckle as I sit up and take ahold of the other end of the rope. Buddy gently tugs on the rope and shakes his head back and forth in an attempt to get me to let go. Buddy knows that he has to be more gentle when he plays with me as opposed to other people because I'm weaker than others. In reality he is a very strong dog and could drag me across the house if he wanted to.

Buddy manages to pull the rope from my fingers and trots around like a victor. I lay back down on the floor and watch him as he goes around the room showing off his toy.

"You want a real opponent?" JJ playfully questions the dog as he approaches the bird dog. JJ had previously handed his empty plate over to Harry who was sat beside him. Buddy lightly and playfully growls at JJ as he takes ahold of the other end of the rope. They both go back and forth tugging on the toy. I can tell that the dog is giving his all as he pulls using his entire body. JJ shakes the rope back and forth and it is enough to make Buddy lose his grip.

"Not so tough now, are ya?" JJ jokes as he dangles the rope above the dog. Buddy barks at him as he anxiously waits for the rope to be given back to him. JJ finally allows the rope to fall and return to the dog. JJ then goes around the room and collects the empty plates from everyone and exits the room for the kitchen.

"Can we watch a movie and cuddle?" Tobi asks as he cuddles up to Josh's side. Josh in turn places an arm around the boy and pulls him closer.

"I second that idea," Vik speaks up from where he is sat at the edge of the couch. His elbow is propped up on the armrest of the couch with his chin on his hand. His eyes are slightly drooped as he looks pretty worn out. I guess the boys that stayed at the house last night did wake up rather early this morning to meet us at the hospital as early as possible.

"I agree," I speak up a bit. I reach my hand out to Vik from where I am in the middle of the floor. Vik stands and makes his way over to me. He pulls me to my feet and releases my hand to place his arms around me instead. I pull back from the hug and once again take ahold of his hand. I lead Vik out of the room just as JJ is coming back into the room.

"Where are you two off to?" JJ asks.

"To get some blankets and pillows," I explain as I continue to lead Vik to the stairs and then up to JJ's room. Vik kisses the side of my head and releases my hand to collect some of the blankets folded and laying on the couch in the room. I move to grab as many pillows from the bed as I can.

"Ready?" Vik asks as I turn around to the door. I nod and follow Vik back down the stairs and into the lounge. Vik and I share a look before we both let all of the pillows and blankets in our holds fall to the floor into a pile.

"What movie should we watch then?" Josh asks as he is scrolling through Netflix on the TV. Tobi moves forward and takes a blanket from the floor. He situates it over himself and Josh as he cuddles back into the older boy.

"The Lion King," Simon jokingly replies as he sits back down next to Ethan with a blanket and a pillow. Simon moves the blanket around himself and Ethan as they sit in the corner of the L shaped couch so that they can use the shorter side to lay their legs out straight on. The small pillow is placed on Ethan's shoulder for Simon's head to rest on.

"Anyone else have any requests?" Josh questions once more. When no one else says anything Josh selects the movie that Simon had originally proposed as a joke. I lay a blanket on the floor a little bit in front of the couch. Harry reaches his arms out to me and makes a grabby motion with his hands. I place a blanket in his hands that he lays over himself and JJ.

Vik grabs a pillow and moves to the blanket that I just spread out. I follow him with another blanket. Vik lays down on his side facing the TV. I lay down after him with my back against his chest. I throw the blanket over the both of us. Vik wraps both of his arms around my waist.

I watch as Simba is told to run away and never come back by Scar. I have seen this movie way too many times with my younger cousins. Growing bored with the movie, I move my hand down Vik's arm and to his own hand. I maneuver our hands under my hoodie. I press Vik's hand against my stomach and replace my hand back under my head. I close my eyes as I feel Vik's fingers softly graze over the skin of my stomach. Small and delicate shapes are traced onto my body slowly trailing up. The knuckle of Vik's pointer finger briefly grazes the bare skin of my breast. A quick and sudden intake of breath is heard from Vik as his hand retreats back down to my stomach. I place my hand back on Vik's and guide it back up so that his hand is cupping my breast. I slowly curl his fingers to squeeze my skin. Vik leans his head forward and leaves light kisses to the back of my neck.

"You tired, Riley?" JJ teasingly questions as he sees my eyes are closed.

"So tired," I reply sarcastically. Vik's thumb brushes back and forth caressing my skin. JJ chuckles, probably having an idea about what Vik and I were doing.

"Remember about our plans," JJ reminds me in a slightly song like tone. At this Vik places a last kiss on my neck before he removes his hand from my breast and replaces it around my waist where his thumb continues to brush along my skin. I snuggle back into Vik as a sigh leaves my body.

"Do we have to wake her up? She looks so peaceful," Vik's voice is the first thing that I hear as I come to again.

"Unfortunately, yes. We need to try to get her to eat before she has to do her feed," the sound of Simon's voice rings from in front of me. A hand with cool fingers caresses my cheek. "Riley, its time for dinner." I nuzzle my face into the hand that belongs to Simon.

"Come on, I'm getting up too," Vik coaxes me as his warm hands retreat from the skin of my waist. He then proceeds to stand. I whine slightly at the loss of warmth.

"You go on ahead, I'll get her up," Simon tells Vik. I hear his footsteps retreating.

I finished all my finals for the semester and am moving back home for the summer in two days. Now I'm going to have a bit of free time so hopefully I will write a bit more. I hope you enjoyed. Until next time, Ilya, bye!!!

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