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Simon's POV

I pulled into my parents driveway and turned off the car. I recognized Nick's car as it was parked in the street. I guess I'll shower later then. I exited the car and started up the drive. As I walked I sent a text to Josh.

To Daddy❤️

I made it to my parents house. I'll text you when I leave. Love you!

After I pressed send, I didn't even have enough time to exit out of the app before a reply from Josh popped up.

From Daddy❤️

Have fun! Love you too, baby!

I smiled at the cute text and slid my phone back into my pocket. I reached the door and knocked lightly as I opened it and walked in. The sound of little pitter patter sounded on the floor before a little girl wearing a princess dress appeared from the kitchen.

"Uncle Si!" She squealed as she ran to me. I bent down with my arms open wide and a smile on my face. The little girl leapt into my arms and I caught her.

"Elouise!" I called back to her. Her small arms wrapped around my neck as mine were securely around her back and her legs, considering that the girl is a small three year old. I stood up with her still attached to me as I heard louder, bigger footsteps come from the kitchen. I looked over Elouise's shoulder at Nick.

"Hey, Simon. How's it going?" He asks as he walks over and gives me a somewhat side hug.

"Things have been great, you?" I asked. I said the first bit with a bit too much enthusiasm. Nick gave me a questioning glance before giving me a look that said 'we are going to talk about that later'.

"Things... things are going," Nick said, slightly scaring me. I was about to ask when he gave me the same look and then gestured to the small girl still clinging to me, her face buried in my neck. I nodded and shifted her weight over to one side of my body so that she was now resting on my hip.

"How are you?" I asked the blonde haired girl as I lightly poked at her stomach. She giggled and squirmed a bit.

"Goooood," She said drawing out the word. "I missed you, Simon," she said and patted both of my cheeks at the same time with her small, chubby hands.

"I missed you too," I said and bopped her nose with my index finger, causing her face to scrunch up adorably.

"Come on, Elouise, you need to finish your breakfast," my mum called from the kitchen. I set the blue eyed girl back on her feet and watched as she scurried back into the kitchen.

"Say hello to mum and dad and then I need to talk to you in the lounge," Nick said and placed his hand to my back, Patton it a couple of times. I nodded, slightly confused, but didn't question him any further. I walked into the kitchen to seem mum at the stove, flipping pancakes. She turned away from the stove as I walked over to her. Her arms wrapped around me and I returned the hug.

"Hi, Mum," I said and pulled back, kissing her cheek.

"Hello, darling," she said and turned back to cooking. It hasn't been that long since I've seen my parents, so the normal 'how are you?' and "how are the boys?' and those questions didn't need to be asked nor answered. I then moved to the table where dad was sitting with Elouise next to him.

"Hi, dad," I greeted and shook his hand, a normal greeting for us. Elouise was shoving pancakes into her mouth.

"Hi, Simon. Elouise, take smaller's bites, you're going to choke," my dad ordered. The girl simply nodded, her curls bouncing as she did.

"So, did that friend of yours, Riley, make it here alright and settle in?" My mum asked, turning the stove top off and bringing a heaping pile of pancakes over to the table.

"Yeah, she settled in fine. She's had a couple episodes and attacks from her PTSD, but other than that, everything has been perfectly fine," I explained and she nodded along with a sad smile at the mention of her PTSD.

"The poor thing," my dad commented looking back down at the newspaper that was in his hands.

We kept the small talk going for a while before Nick excused us and ushered me into the lounge. I could tell that mum and dad already knew about what ever Nick was going to talk to me about. They were making excuses as to why Elouise had to stay with them and not follow us. I sat down on the couch with Nick taking the spot next to me. He was very nervous and his eyes started to water a bit as he started speaking.

"I know that what I'm about to tell you is going to be a lot for you. I want to apologize in advance," Nick started. His leg was rapidly bouncing up and down from his anxiousness.

"What ever you have to tell me, you don't need to apologize for," I said and waited for him to continue.

"Well, as you can tell Amanda isn't here, and there's a reason for that. She went to the doctors a while ago and found out that she has cancer," Nick stopped, tears falling down his cheeks. I couldn't find any words to say, so I stayed silent, placing my hand on his back for comfort and also pushing for him to continue.

"It's pretty bad, Simon. We have to move to America where they have a better facility and doctors to care for her. We can't take Elouise. We don't want her to have to watch her mother go through all of this and a small girl shouldn't be cooped up in a hospital all day. Mum and dad can't take care of her for that long, they are apparently 'too old for that'. Simon, we need you to take care of her while we are in America," Nick finished. I sat there, shocked. I know what I have to do,but what will the boys think. I can't ask them, they will for sure say no, and I can't tell Nick no either.

"I hope you know that I have absolutely no knowledge of how to take care of a three year old," I said as I rubbed at my face in stress.

"I'm three and a half, for your information," Elouise said from the doorway. Her hands were on her hips as she had a small scowl on her face.

"Come here, baby girl," Nick called to her. She ran to him and he pulled her into his lap. Mum and dad came into the room after Elouise, but sat down opposite us as they saw her in Nick's hold.

"Before I say yes, I have to tell you something, but this stays between us," I said looking around the room. I have to tell him this if I'm going to be taking care of his kid for who knows how long. I got nods from my parents and Nick, signaling for me to continue. "Riley is our girlfriend, we haven't told anyone yet, except for Harry letting it slip with the Cals while he was ill," I said and got surprised looks from around the room.

"Well that was unexpected, but I'm happy for you all," Nick said with a smile.

"When do we get to meet her?" mum said excitedly. The excitement on her face was enough to make me smile. She was slightly disappointed in the fact that she wasn't going to have a daughter in law from me when we told them about our relationship. She always wanted to have a daughter, but instead got stuck with three sons. And now that Nick has Amanda, Mum was so overjoyed to have a daughter. But now with having two, I think she might explode from happiness.

"Hopefully soon," dad said with a smile on his own face.

"Most definitely, but I don't want to rush her into anything too fast yet, so when she's ready," I said, thinking of Riley's well being. I know that she will be extremely nervous to meet any of our families.

"Of course," mum said with a grin on her face.

"So, Elouise, how would you like to live with Uncle Simon, JJ, Vikk, and Josh for a while?" Nick asked, knowing that she wouldn't fully understand the question with her being as young as she is.

"Yay! A sleep over!" She squealed and started running around the room.

Sorry this is late, I passed out last night. Anyways I hope you enjoyed. Until next time, Ilya, bye!!!

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