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Riley's POV

Josh is still editing with me in his lap. I watched his face as he stared at his screen. His eyes darted back and forth, watching for anything that needed to be changed. His fingers grazed over my back every now and then, causing a shiver to run through me.

I laid my head closer to his neck and started tracing shapes with my finger on his chest and shoulder. I watched my finger as it glides over his body. I nestled my head into his neck and let my fingers drag up his neck and into his hair. My eyes fell closed as my fingers brushed through his hair. I could feel a sigh leave Josh's body. I felt his arm move in a bigger movement than he had been using previously.

His other hand found my knee. His palm is resting on my knee while his fingers are lightly brushing my outer thighs. His head tilted down so he could place a kiss to my temple. His head stayed against mine.

"Is this alright, darling?" Josh asked, referring to his hand placement. His nose was lightly touching my cheekbone. I opened my eyes, finding his green eyes staring back into mine.

"It's more than alright," I whispered, getting lost in the beauty that is Josh. He glanced down at my lips, I know what he wants, and I want it too.

I lifted my other hand from my lap up to the side of his face. He got the hint and lent in, connecting our lips in a perfect first kiss. Our lips moved together in perfect sync. His teeth grazed over my bottom lip, causing me to gasp. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. I allowed him access and his tongue explored my mouth. His hand lightly squeezed my knee and his other moved gently up and down my back.

I decided to try something. I want to take this a step further, without going too far. I started sitting up, not breaking the kiss. Josh's hands fell from my body, allowing me to move. I sat up fully before moving my legs to either side of his lap, straddling him. His hands stayed by my legs, unsure of what to do. I placed my hands on top of his and guided them to my hips. Then I returned my hands to his hair and chest. His hands moved up to the hem of my shirt, where a couple of his fingers were brushing against my bare skin. I froze at this. Josh instantly moved his hands back down and broke off the kiss. My breathing was hard, while Josh's was only slightly heavier than normal.

"We don't have to go any further. Your pace, remember? You just have to tell me," Josh said in a gentle, soothing tone. I opened my eyes and looked into his concerned ones. "If you wanted to, we could just continue what we were doing, or we can stop completely," Josh concluded. I'd be lying if I said I wanted to stop. I bit down on my bottom lip as I grinned.

"I like the first option much better," I said with a small giggle. Josh chuckled but lent in and continued our make out session right where we left off.

A couple of minutes into us practically eating each other's faces, a sound emitted from Josh's computer. He lightly applied pressure to my hips before ending the kiss. A string of curse words were muttered under his breath, making them hard to understand. I cuddled up to his body, enclosing my arms around his neck and my face in his neck. One of his hands left my hip to go to his computer mouse.

"Hey Cal," Josh said to Cal, I can only assume. He must have been calling him on Skype or something. Josh moved his chair closer to his desk, hopefully hiding his hand placement on me. His hand moved around my back to my other hip in a modified hug. I kept my face in his neck.

"Hey, sorry if you're busy. Is that Riley?" Cal, who I now know is Freezy, asked. I lifted my head long enough to smile at him and give a small wave. Then I returned to my previous position after seeing him repeat the actions back.

"Yeah, she's a bit tired from the jet lag and time zone change," Josh said, which was true, but not the reason why I was being so quiet and shy. I'm just upset that mine and Josh's fun was interrupted.

"I see. I was just calling to let you know that Harry got sick after he got home. I tried calling and texting your phone and Simon's, but neither of you answered," Freezy explained. In the background, a groan of pain could be heard.

"Oh god, is he okay? Do Ethan and Tobi know?" Josh asked concerned. His hand tightened ever so slightly on my hip. I tilted my head so that I could see Cal on the screen while still having my head down.

"Yeah, he will be fine. Tobi and Ethan are here right now, taking care of him. I think that they are planing on taking him to Tobi's flat and all staying there to help him," Freezy said. Josh nodded and hummed.

"Thanks for letting me know. Tell him that we love him and we hope that he gets better. And make sure he gets some medicine in him," Josh added at the end, him being the dad that he is.

"Sure thing, Daddy Zerk," Cal said, saluting into the web cam.

"See ya," Josh dismissed. He got the same in return from Cal before the call ended. Josh returned his other arm to around my body.

"You tired, baby?" Josh asked as he left kisses along my neck and shoulder. I smiled and nodded. "Would you like to go lay down with Si?" Josh asked. His hands ran up and down my back soothingly. I thought for a moment.

"Yes, but I don't want to leave," I said and scooted closer to his body. His hands make me feel safe. His touch is soft, treating me like a porcelain doll, making me feel loved. I want to tell him I love him, but is it too soon?

"What's on your mind?" Josh asked, noticing my spaced out expression. I sat up straight on his lap and looked at him. My lip is between my teeth, a nervous habit.

"I don't think I should tell you, it's too soon," I said the last part quieter. I couldn't look him in the eyes and let my gaze focus on my lap.

"Hey, you can tell me anything. As for the 'too soon' thing, your pace, remember?" He reassured. His hand cupped the side of my face and forced me to maintain eye contact with him. I got lost in his eyes. They held so much concern and love, for me.

"I love you," I said it as a whisper. I was somewhat shocked that it just slipped out of my mouth so easily, but it felt so right.

"I love you, too," Josh said back. I felt butterflies in my stomach at him feeling the same as I do. A huge grin took over my face and Josh guided my face to his in a heated kiss.

Sorry about the problem with not being able to read the chapter. Hopefully I've fixed it. If you are able to read, I hope you enjoyed. Until next time, Ilya, bye!!!

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