Part 7 - Recovery

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(Wow this part is kind of short, actually. But it's way different than an amino copy paste. Yaaay.)
(This is also the last part of this fic! Yaay! Now I can focus on the Sig x Reader!!)

"Hey! That's mean! I- Uh-"

Amitie didn't get a chance to react when Raffina began clapping. "Well, That's that.. but, I don't think, this is such a good idea." She said, a little upset. Raffina then walked to Amitie to shake her hand. "Miss Amitie. It's been a good run, being your rival. I can't wait to rival that demon person, too. And kick their ass in your favor!" She said proudly.

Amitie smiled. "I can't wait, Raffina! It was super fun to fight with you! And yes! Kick their ass!" She responded, her mouth feeling kind of yucky for saying 'Ass'

Raffina looked at Klug, who was still kind of offset from everything. "And you. Get your friend and have them do this whole...thing. The faster, the better." She instructs.

Klug shook his book a little bit, but nothing really happened. "I guess he's sleeping. I don't think we can do this today or he might get angry and take it out on us."

Amitie gave a big sigh of relief. "Okay! Then we can do it tomorrow, first thing in the morning." She decided. "Klug, you can keep your book tonight, I'm going back to my house with Arle! Come on Arle!"

Amitie went home, with her friend. Raffina and Klug watched her, so cheerful to go home and sleep for the final night.

"Hey, Raffina. We don't get along but tomorrow, we ought to. It'll be her last time she'll see us." Klug broke the silence. "Y'know, even if she gets trapped in the record for eternity, nobody would let her out. At least, not this instance. So, we might as well make her last shot of us a happy one."

Raffina opened her mouth to argue, but ultimately agreed. Klug had a great point. "Amitie would be devastated if she didn't have a good last memory" She added on. "So, we shall be the best of friends! For one day, and one day alone! Then, I'll beat you into next Sunday! Deal?"

Klug chuckled, even if that was a threat. "Of course, Raffina! Deal!"

As Amitie got to her house, she looked at Arle before she went inside the house. "Hey, Arle. Thanks for everything. I'm super sorry I hurt you before. I really hope you get back to your own world." She says,

Arle looked at Amitie confused, but understood. "It's not your fault, Amitie. Your heart was in the right place. I hope everything's best for you, and that I'll get to see you again!" She grinned with the intent of comforting Amitie.

Amitie went inside the house to fall asleep.
Her last night.
The final time she got to sleep.

For a last night, it took so long for Amitie to even dream of something. She was only afraid. Afraid that everything will be going bad. That her promise was useless and all her friends would die.

"There there. It'll be okay."

Amitie felt someone's hand on her shoulder, so she shot up awake to look behind her. But there was nobody there, so she went back asleep.

She felt that hand again, so this time, she turned around in her sleep.

Turned around?
This WAS a dream

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