Part 2 - Primp Bound (Deluxe)

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((The story takes a more turn for introducing the main villain, and believe it or not, is known as AYA and not Ayashii. There's a difference and the demons actual name is Akashii in this Au. Not important because FUNNIES happen and I get to describe some more gore)

• Act One - Lose •
Amitie woke up, rubbing her eyes. "...oooh...what happened." She mumbled, waking up from the last incident of passing out. "Those ghost twins..theyre.."

"Gone, yes." Raffina admits, biting her rag. "I believe your saviors are arguing in there still...I'm incredibly sorry about that. Boys will be boys and all...""

Amitie scratches her head. "I can always stop them! They're my friends!" Then, Amitie took off, back into the forest.
It was a moment she'd learn to hate

Back in the center of the forest, Amitie found two arguing people. Two voices clashing. In fear, Amitie hid behind a tree.

"They got out, Klug. Y'know. I should've expected that..." The cyan said, scratching the back of his head. "Not to be rude, but seeing your old track record...I expected this"

Amitie sighed happily. She knew this was a reason why she adored Sig as she did. He was kind and innocent. Well, to her at least.

The other boy then yelled. "Hey! At least when it's contained, we agree on a lot of things! Like, he and I get eachother. We're like the same darn person, you cyan FuckNut!"

"..I'm just saying you did release him before."


And then...Klug slapped him. The hand going across Sig's face. Amitie was horrified, she thought the boys were good friends. She was going to reach out, but she saw the two begin a fight.

Their fight was...strange to say the least. Amitie payed attention to both. It was like Fever, but whenever would've been the happy rush of Fever was a great transformation.

Whenever the Puyo got smaller, the one who triggered it would get younger. They were very cute, Amitie admits.

Whenever the Puyo got bigger, the person got bigger. Sig was..kind of hot, Amitie thought, covering her nose to stop it from bleeding. Klug was too. That's weird.

Despite Sig being the victor, he was somewhat sad. "...Yknow. Your grown up self and possessed self bear a striking similarity..wouldn't that mean you get possessed again...?" He asked, worryingly.

Amitie noticed that her hand was now covered in blood. So without thinking, she stepped into view. "Hey do any of you have tissues...?"

"Wha-ha-hat?" Klug asked, his voice's pitch rising. "You- your hand is red! It's got blood on it! What the heck?!" He nearly dropped the book, but held tightly. " it! I'll give you a handpicked tissue if you solve the current problem me and my friend have here!"

"You want me to do what now?" Amitie asked, scratching her head in confusion. "I don't really think-"

"Silence" Klug said, holding up a finger. "Am I decent at containing spirits such as my friend in the record and the dead duo?"

Amitie looked at Klug, then looked at Sig, then down where Klug held the book rather comfortably in his hand. "Ahahah~" she laughed innocently. "Your friend...yeah I don't think so...Sig told me that it attacked him for his body."

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