3. Something Else

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Killua spent his ninth birthday with his family. A rarity. But when night falls, he can't resist sneaking out again. He climbs down from his balcony, and runs through the forest. This time, Gotoh is the one to follow him.

Killua reaches the city, and this time he makes sure to stay visible to passersby. That way he can try to prevent getting kidnapped like he so nearly was a few months ago.

That was traumatic enough that despite his amnesia, Killua can't forget the terror from the event. He can't remember what exactly happened, or how he got out of it. All he remembers is the man grabbing him, and the fear Killua felt.

Killua sees the house Gon told him was his. At least, Killua thinks. He can't quite remember. Killua walks up closer, and sees Gon's bicycle in the front yard, chained to a fence. Killua smiles, and goes up to knock on the front door.

After a few minutes of silence, he knocks again.

As he's about to knock yet again, a woman with dark orange hair opens the door. "Uhm, hey little guy. What are you doing here?" She asks.

Killua blushes. "I- Uhm. I'm hewe to thee Gown..."

The woman sighs. "Come in, sweetie. I'll go see if he's still awake."

Killua's face brightens up. "Dank youw!"

The woman smiles. "What's your name? I'm Mito."

"My name ith Kiwuwa!"

"Killua?" Mito asks. "Gon's told me about you before. It's been a while, though."

Killua nods, stepping over the threshold into the cozy home. Mito heads up a flight of stairs to get her nephew. She goes over to his bed.

"Sweetie, are you awake?"

Gon grumbles. "Now I aaaammm."

"Come on downstairs."

"Dun wanna."

"Killua's here to see you."

Gon bolts upright in bed. "Well you coulda said that!" He practically tumbles down the stairs. "Killuaaaaaaa!"

Killua's eyes widen as he's tackled down to the floor by Gon. Gon hugs him tightly, Killua's face pressed into him to the point that it's a little difficult for him to breathe.

"I'm so glad you're here! I thought I'd have to wait another year to see you again!" Gon grins, sitting up on the floor now.

Killua blushes, hiding his eyes with his bangs. "I- I wanted to thee you..."

Gon's eyes widen when he comes to a realization. "It's your birthday today, isn't it?!"

Killua scratches his cheek. "Yeah..."

Gon grins. "Great! Come with me- I have something for you!"

Killua's blush deepens in color when Gon holds his hand and takes him upstairs. Gon opens his bedroom door and leads Killua inside. Killua waits patiently, fidgeting his fingers, as Gon digs around in his closet for something.

"Here it is!" Gon grins, holding up a wrapped box. He hands it to Killua. "Open it! Open it!"

Killua's nervous and excited as he unwraps it. This is the first present he's ever received from someone other than his butlers and sometimes one of his siblings.

Killua stares at the three jars of liquid. "What ith it..?" Killua asks.

"Before... you said you liked art, so uh..." Gon rubs the back of his neck. "I-I made you some paint."

Killua's eyes widen. "Y-you made thith?!"

Gon nods, grinning. "Mhm! I like making things, and I wanted to make something for you. So I learned how to make paint."

Killua giggles. "I wove it! Dank you, Gon!"

Gon smiles. "So! Since you're here, what do you wanna do? Wanna play games or watch a movie?"

Killua thinks for a moment. "Let'th watth a movie!"


Mito sighs, looking in on the two boys. They fell asleep. "Thank you for your hospitality, ma'am." Gotoh bows.

Mito waves her hand. "Of course. He can come over whenever he wants."

Gotoh smiles sadly. "Unfortunately his visits are going to be limited to a few times a year. If even that. His parents keep him on a tight leash."

Mito nods. "I understand. It was nice meeting you, Gotoh. Take care."

Gotoh smiles, and goes to pick Killua up. He carries Killua out of the house and starts walking to the mansion.

"I'm glad you've found someone worth remembering, young master." Gotoh speaks softly.

" Gotoh speaks softly

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True story:

Icaruko: Aw come on sis...
Suichi: NO! I'll read that cringey shit you call "I Hate My Roommate" but I can't read FLUFF!!!
Icaruko: *fake cries* B-but-
Suichi: Nope. You can toy with your readers' hearts all you want. But as your sister I'm telling you: Stop.
Icaruko: *crosses arms, pouts* Jerk.
Suichi: Oh I'll read that one, too.

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