1. A Not So Lonely Birthday

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A/N: Killua is seven and has a lisp in this chapter. If you have trouble understanding what he's saying try saying it out loud.

Killua jumps on the balls of his little feet as he goes to open his bedroom door. He opens it to see several of the family butlers. Gotoh, Canary, Amane, and Tsubone carrying a box. The pale boy grins up at the familiar kind faces.

"Happy Seventh Birthday, Master Killua!"

Killua wraps his tiny little arms around Gotoh's legs. Gotoh chuckles, lifting up the little Zoldyck into his arms. "Gotoh, Canawy, Amane, Fthubone!"

"Young Master, we hope you have a wonderful birthday." Gotoh smiles.

Killua smiles back, already knowing they wouldn't be able to stick around.

"Here." Gotoh hands Killua the box. "From all of the butlers."

Killua grins widely, knowing what it is, excited. He opens the box, careful not to make a mess of the wrapping. He opens it to find a plethora of photographs. Each one a memorabilia of each day since his last birthday.

The butlers work together to capture photos of Killua every day, and they find the one where Killua was the happiest for each day. 365 of Killua's happiest moments. They've done this every year.

Killua jumps up. "Dank you guyth tho much! I wove dem!"

They all smile. Gotoh ruffles Killua's hair. "Well, we'll be going now Master. Have a magical day."

Killua nods. "I will! I pwomithe!"

Killua stuffs the box underneath his bed along the six others. The butlers leave, closing the door behind them. Killua's smile falters for a moment, then disappears completely.

Killua turns to his window, the sun casting a spotlight on him. The wind seems to call his name as it wisps by. Just tempting him to embrace it. His parents long gone on a business trip. He narrows his eyes, determination spreading across his face.

He gets a running start, little feet pitter-patting across the floor, and his small frame jumps right out the window.

The white haired boy lands in a tree that he totally knew was there to catch him. Killua climbs down, and makes a break for the forest surrounding the mansion. He knew there were at least two butlers following him, but there's nothing he can do about it. Besides, not a single one of them would rat him out on his birthday.

Killua keeps running, a grin developing. He runs and runs and runs until he's no longer on property owned by the Zoldycks. The fresh smell of the trees, of nature, the wind gusts tasting like salt from the nearby coast. Killua can now make out some more man made sounds, and just as the boy's ears pick it all up, he reaches a small town.

Killua's eyes widen, looking around. His tiny feet come to a stop in the middle of a paved road. There aren't any skyscrapers or anything, but there's at least a gas station in view. Residential areas, and it seems there are more kinds of shops further into town. There are a few pedestrians, a car every now and then. Peaceful, really.

"Wow, are you new here?" Killua turns around when he hears a young voice. In his sight is a boy about his age, with jet black hair that looks like the hairdresser gave up half way when combing it. The boy wears dark gray overalls with a green and white striped t-shirt and long boots.

This boy runs over to Killua with a goofy grin on his face. He skids to a stop right before he would've collided with the young Zoldyck.

"How old are you?" The boy asks, the energy radiating from him tangible.

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