Prologue; Spirited away

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Mikoto sighed wearily as she sat on the steps to take off her shoes. Her audience with the Hokage and elders of the Village Hidden in the Leaves had taken much longer than expected. The nonsensical arguments and discussions had drained her, and she'd longed to be in the warmth and comfort of home. Thank the ancestors they still had one.
Since the Uchiha-clan lived in a separate part of the village, most houses there had survived the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's destructive attack. To think her sons had been home alone when it happened... She would never have forgiven herself had they died then.

"You're back."

Her husband and the head of the Uchiha-clan, Fugaku, came out of the kitchen, their infant son Sasuke in his arms. Mikoto kissed Fugaku and took the baby from him, nuzzling her son lovingly. The little boy gurgled and cooed at his mother. Having him in her arms again eased some of her anger and sorrow.

"What did Lord Third say?" asked Fugaku. "Will he let the girl stay?"

Mikoto shook her head. "They're letting Rina take her in to the Land of Ice in the morning."

"It was to be expected." Fugaku crossed his arms over his chest, as he always did when contemplating something. "The Leaf doesn't trust the Uchiha with this, even though we are the only ones capable of handling the girl's powers."

"Lord Fourth would not have allowed this," reacted Mikoto sharply.

"Indeed. We stood a chance with the Yellow Flash. Especially since he would never have let the mistakes of the past be repeated. He was one of the few who yet trusted the Uchiha and actively sought an alliance with us. But with him dead and the girl send away, I don't know what will become of us. Rina will corrupt that baby, of that I'm certain."

Mikoto looked down at little Sasuke, her own precious boy. He held on to her fingers with two tiny hands, babbling in baby speech. 

"I believe he will find the girl," pondered Mikoto aloud. "It seems impossible to think otherwise. Their past and future are entwined, after all."

"I hope so. The fate of the Uchiha depends on their union." Fugaku stroked his son's hair. "Darling... I know I ask a lot, but would you consider speaking with Rina on the clan's behalf? You two were friends once. She may still listen to you."

"I doubt anything I say will help. We hurt her, Fugaku. Deeply. She is what she because of us."

The door opened again, and their eldest son, Itachi, came in, shoes already in hand. The six-year-old boy bowed to greet his parents and then walked to his mother, eyes on Sasuke. Mikoto lowered him so Itachi could kiss him goodnight, but instead, he dropped his shoes and took the baby from her. 

"The baby is doing okay," said Itachi as he cradled his little brother. "She hardly cried and ate well, too. It turned colder in the room when the sun went down, as you said might happen, but not for too long. Shisui and I kept her away from the moonlight. Kakashi is watching her until morning. He promised to follow the instructions you left."

Fugaku nodded approvingly. Mikoto had her doubts about the Hatake-boy, but he was better than any other Leaf Shinobi. The Copy-Cat Ninja was no Uchiha by blood, but the Sharingan in his left eye connected him to the clan. He could be trusted to watch over the girl until Rina took her away. 

"You've done well, Itachi. Thank you," said Fugaku. "Now off to bed. Take your little brother with you. I'll be there shortly to tuck you both in."

"Yes, Father. Goodnight, Mother."

"Goodnight, sweetheart."

Mikoto retired, trusting her husband and firstborn to care for her baby. But she was unable to catch sleep and tossed and turned all night. When she saw the first light through the window, she rose and got dressed. She didn't believe she'd be able to convince Rina to leave the girl with her, but she had to try. It was her duty as an Uchiha and a mother.
As Mikoto stepped onto the landing, she gasped upon seeing Itachi fully dressed and waiting for her by the door. He took his mother's hand, and she thanked him silently for wanting to come with her. She would need all the help she could get when facing Rina. 

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