Chapter One; New paths

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The young girl swam to the bottom of the lake, moving gracefully with the current. Her eyes penetrated the murky waters perfectly, and she caught a glistening. There, hidden in the sand, lay the kunai she'd thrown in from the shoreline. She grinned and swam toward it. The surrounding fish made way but didn't scurry off. It was a training she often did, so they'd grown used to her by now. Most of the time, it was hardly any challenge, but sometimes, something would make her exercise more difficult. Like right now, as her weapon had landed in front of an eel's cave. She hated those things. Always snapping out and whipping their tail to numb their prey with electric shocks.
The girl looked around until she spotted some weeds. She grabbed a handful and wrapped them around her arm. Then she prepared herself and reached for the kunai. Just as expected, the eel shot out of its lair, and the tail whooshed through the water, striking at her wrist. She felt a tingle as the electricity hit her, but the weeds dulled the force considerably. Her fingers closed around the weapon's handle, and she swam up. The quick change in pressure made her ears pop, and as soon as she broke through the surface, she was greeted by an excited voice.

"Oh wow, almost six full minutes this time, Katana! And you're hardly out of breath!"

Katana grinned at the spiky-haired blond teen in the orange jumpsuit. She swam the last bit and then trudged toward him. He threw the towel she brought along over her black hair to dry it as best she could. Nothing to do about her gray shorts and top, but the warm sunshine would at least ensure her green dress wouldn't get soaked as well.

"I passed the five-minute marker, and you didn't come for me?" Katana playfully punched her friend's shoulder. "Shame on you, Naruto."

"Nah, I knew you weren't in trouble."

"Let me guess, you felt it?"

"I did act—hey, what's that?" Naruto pointed at the weeds around Katana's wrist.

"The kunai was in front of an eel's cave," she explained. "This makes their sting less painful."

"That's so smart. How did you know that would work?" wondered Naruto aloud.

"When I first used it, you mean?" Katana pursed her lips to think for a moment. "I'm not sure. I just... knew."

Naruto nodded, instantly just accepting that response. That's what Katana liked about him. Her friend didn't question everything she said or did as everyone else did. He didn't push on and on about how she knew something she couldn't possibly know or how she could do things others couldn't, like hold her breath for 6 minutes. He was different. And yet, somehow, Katana felt they were exactly the same.

"Come on," she said. "Let's get out of here. You can't be late at the Academy today."

"Huh? Oh yeah, you're right! I almost forgot about that. Good thing I've got you, Katana."

Katana sighed and shook her head as Naruto fetched her dress, letting the corner of her mouth go up in a smile. He was quite hopeless sometimes. And then there were times he did the most amazing things.

"I wonder who I'll be teamed up with," mused Naruto aloud. "It better be someone cool who'll complement my awesome ninja skills."

"I'm sure it will be. But I can guarantee one thing; whoever it is definitely won't have that Clone Jutsu, so that's a leg up right there."

Naruto's face lit up at the compliment, swelling with pride as he said, "You know I'm the only one in class who mastered it? Not even stupid Sasuke can do that one."

"Naruto..." Katana threw him a scolding look.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, sorry. I don't get why you're friends with him, too. Bet he's not as fun as I am."

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