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*meanwhile in ua highschool

aizawa: hey everyone, today we have a new student joining our class

uraraka: a new student? wow who is it?

aizawa: his name is shimura tenku

Iida: woah what a great name!

aizawa: nobody asked for your opinion now stfu

lida: oh... okay

aizawa: so as i was sayin' everyone say hello to tenku

Everyone: Hello shimura tenku!

tomura: h-hello im shimura tenku, you can call me shin an-

aizawa: wow intresting now lets go on

aizawa: todays exam is going to be about the Mountain Camel Cola Pizza or AKA the M.C.C.P wich is the best pizza for "summoning satan" monday night-

*meanwhile in deku's mind (btw theres 2 deku in this world 1st the normal deku that you know and villain deku*

deku: what the vodoo bongoz in the holy mayonaise is tomura doing here? 

*after class

*tomura goes to deku to talk to him and drag him to f*ck*

Tomura: hey deku wassup

Deku: tomura.. why r u in UA?

Tomura: because I care about you DEKU

Deku: Uhh.. okay I guess? Anyways next class will-

Tomura: Idk about classessss DEKU all I care about is yo-

Deku: stop right there, I know everybody has been talking about my fame lately and how did I manage to do it with sato

Tomura: wait what? U did it with sato? U SIRIUS?

Deku: NO! It's just lies that were flying in the air deez days

Tomura: hmmm okay... So is sato's d*ck big?

Deku: NOOOOOO STOP *proceeds to hit tomura with a brick

*The end

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