~42. The Aura of Forsaken Mates-II~

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~Eva's POV~

It was another unnecessary day at Forks High School, where the lot of us went from class to class just for the sake of it.

Soon the day at school ended nothing special happening except for Edward's abnormal behavior around Bella Swan.

By abnormal I mean, his very obvious lack of interest in her. At first, I thought it was because of his dilemma of her blood and his torment of being too weak to let her live.

But obviously, it was not the issue since his eyes did not even stray her way throughout the day. Instead, he seemed mighty preoccupied with something. And what was even more peculiar was the dark aura surrounding him.

The total opposite of soulmate auras.

My connection to soulmate auras was not always obvious, it only shows itself when either the two parties are in very close proximity or when they are thinking of each other intensely.

Alice and Jasper for example, though they were always together I did not always see the compatible auras of them. But, even through the little glimpses I've had, I could tell that they were mates without a doubt.

The same went for Rosalie and Emmet and Carlisle and Esme.

But Edward's strange aura puzzled me, especially since I only became aware of it today. Besides to make matters worse, Bella and Edward had no compatibility of souls whatsoever.

Maybe it was because I did not belong to this world that my powers were staticking, but after completing the mate bond with Elijah I was pretty sure that my powers had more stable than ever.

And for some reason, the fact had risen the ire of Niklaus this morning. My head ached just thinking about the tantrum he'd thrown. Pouting and seeking attention not allowing the other three to even sidle up to me.

Obviously having no heart to reject him, I'd humored him with his antics allowing the petty hybrid to have his way.

Now though as I walked to the jeep where the others were already present a shadow loomed over me, blocking my way.

Raising my head I found none other than Edward Cullen in front of me and even from a distance I could feel the fiery gaze of a certain brunette reaching me.

"Edward? What' wrong? Didn't we agree to talk at your place later?" I asked a tad impatient wanting nothing to with the troublesome Bella.

So far I'd managed to avoid the girl and I would love to maintain it so.

"We need to talk." He spoke, pausing before adding in confirmation, "Alone."

"Ookaay..." I dragged feeling bewildered. What had gotten into the man?

If he did not move his body away from me, I was sure he would have to face a pretty hostile Stefan Salvatore who was stalking this way as we speak.

"What is going on?" Stefan demanded upon arriving, his firm glare landing on Edward immediately.

"Nothing, Edward wants to talk." I tried to calm down the testosterone in the air. I did not like unnecessary drama.

"About what?" The youngest Salvatore did not seem to want to let it go.

"Look I just want to talk to her. You can come, but I want to talk to her alone, and people are starring, so can we not do this here?" Edward calmly answered and after a minute of staring Stefan nodded all three of us walking aside out of earshot to anyone except vampires.

Observing the cold one in front of him I tilted my head in contemplation when I saw the concentrated shade of his aura. It was becoming more and black.

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