~27. The Easter Bunny~

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~Eva's POV~

"Who is the other girl?" A whispered hiss reached my ear as I slowly regained consciousness.

"I do not know. She was with the doppelganger so they took the other one too." Trevor, from what I gathered answered his vampire companion. Rose I guess.

Not wanting to pretend I opened my eyes, I was leaning on a sofa with Elena passed out next to me.

To my surprise, my mask was still in place. Trying to feel the nature as much as possible I slowly healed my head where I'm sure was holding a massive bump.

As the pain in my head receded I sat up properly leaning on to the sofa arm as I observed my surroundings.

The house we were in was really old, dust-coated everywhere and windows covered to prevent sunlight I presume.

Promising my chin on my hand, I waited patiently for the two in the other room to come.

But before that darling, Elena woke up scrambling up quickly in fear and caution. Then seeing me she heaved a sigh of relief slightly relaxing.

"What happened?" She asked softly having the sense to be quiet.

"Got kidnapped. They want you." I answered bluntly still upset I was caught up in this situation. I wondered what Damon and Stefan were doing, probably planning a rescue mission.

Elena slowly stood up trying to be silent as she walked forward eavesdropping on the kidnappers.

And I let her because I knew nothing would happen to her. They would not hurt the doppelganger. And as expected Rose caught her.

"You! There's nothing around here for miles. If you think you are getting out of this house, you are tragically wrong. Understand?" The vampire threatened but Elena's throwing caution to the wind started questioning the vampire.

"Who's Elijah?"

"He is your worst nightmare," Rose whispered all dramatic making me sigh. And that caught everyone's attention.

"Oh, the other one's awake," Trevor stated the obvious stalking towards me with a look of hunger. Ohh the bloke wants a taste. I'll give him a taste.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I started standing up keeping my eyes on Trevor. "Ask Elena I can be quiet mean." I let out an evil smile gauding the vampire.

"Trevor, control yourself." Rose admonished dragging Elena back.

She studied me for a moment before asking, "You are not from here are you?"

"You could say that." I shrugged taking off my mask. It was becoming quite troublesome. Tossing it aside I looked back at Trevor and Rose who had frozen in shock.


"Anastasia?" They both asked surprised. Rose looked close to tears while Trevor had just frozen all over his form very much still.

I looked at them confused, then my eyebrows went up in realization. They must be talking about one of my doppelgangers.

"I'm sorry. I think you got the wrong one, I'm Eva the last Lastra doppelganger." I introduced myself as understanding dawned on them.

They both nodded still looking slightly put out.

"What do you want from me?" Elena chose the moment to ask questions again, and for once I was quiet thank full. I t was uncomfortable, their gases were too intense.

The question successfully distracted the two.

"Personally we don't want anything from you. We are just a delivery service." Rose answered.

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