Before (Part 1)

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12 Years Ago...


'Not much green,' Tikki chortled over my shoulder. I nodded and flicked out a green brush pen, swiftly pulling it across the thin paper, 'Now it's gorgeous!' 

I smiled and thought of Adrien wearing my design at the gala tonight, there were too many possibilities. I stared up at the Eiffel Tower and drew the beams in my head, a short knee-length dress, white and grey, strewn with metal beads showing the reflection of the sun off the long beams.

Light sky, strong beams, the Eiffel tower was like staring into a mirror.


"Whoa, Marinette!"

Tikki ducked in her purse, 'Eep!'

"Alya! What're you doing here?" Marinette exclaimed, half-surprised. Alya lowered her head, ignoring the question, and peered down at the sketch in Marinette's notebook, "That's really good Marinette! But why don't you create a dress for yourself?" 

Marinette shook her head, "I don't know Alya...It's sort of a costume ball and for a moment I thought-"

"Thought what?"

Marinette sighed, "Well I thought I'd dress as the Eiffel tower." Alya nodded in agreement as if it weren't too bad of an idea then stretched out her legs and took a seat next to Marinette, "Let me see the design, of the Eiffel tower." Marinette looked at her friend, puzzled,

"What do you mean? It's right in front of you-"

Alya laughed, "No silly! The dress design," she annunciated and Marinette turned the page and plucked a grey pen from her brush pen case, she drew out what she had pictured in her head and handed it to Alya, covering her eyes.

"Is-Is it bad?"

Alya looked dumbfounded, "What do you mean bad? Your design is incredible, but I think you should add a little top hat headband for the hair." Marinette took the drawing back and sketched out a tiny black and grey top hat with a little lace and a tiny Eiffel tower ornament, "Good?"

"It's amazing." Alya smiled down at the page and traced her fingers across it. Marinette let out a long sigh in relief.

"Too Close for Comfort"⎯⎯𝘈 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘊𝘏𝘈𝘛 𝘍𝘈𝘕𝘍𝘐𝘊𝘛𝘐𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now