Before (Part 3)

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4 years ago...


It had been four years since Marinette had graduated high school, and it felt like she had become miserable. All of high school, she stayed knowing Adrien was in love with another girl and even after high school she started dating Luka, and now was the next rolling four-year period.

Ugh, she thought, people went and came from her life and now she was a pastry woman who took a job at her mother's bakery and another part-time job at a fish restaurant that made her smell like seafood every night she came home.

Greasy hair, oil-stained clothes, not to mention how her new clothes were second-hand and a total bust. She let out an exaggerated sigh and flipped over in the unkempt bed, straining her throat not to let out a scream and wake up her parents when she noticed a black figure in the window.


Cat Noir knocked on the window and a half-asleep Marinette stomped out of bed and right up to the window, her eyes held bags under them and a groggy half-groan slid out of her chest. 

"What..." She yawned, Cat Noir blushed for a bit before his thoughts circled him again, oh shut up Cat Noir! You're in love with Kagami! And Ladybug, he thought. "...are you doing here?"

Cat Noir felt himself sweating, "Oh um...I thought you'd...need the company?" Marinette sighed. This wasn't the reaction he was expecting. He thought she'd smile or grin or do something more Marinette-y.

"Go home, Cat Noir," She muttered and Cat Noir's thoughts drilled back into his head. "I don't feel like it tonight," She turned around, beginning to shut the window behind her when she felt a soft hand grab her shoulder.

"I came all this way..." He started and Marinette sighed. "Croissant?" She invited him up to the roof and handed him a few croissants, as he chowed down on them she yawned, "Have you ever had a...crush?"

"Well um..."

"Oh of course you had one, Ladybug." She waved away the question, a strange look of disgust etched into her eyebrows.

"Are you jealous?"

"What? Me? Jealous"


"Too Close for Comfort"⎯⎯𝘈 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘐𝘊𝘏𝘈𝘛 𝘍𝘈𝘕𝘍𝘐𝘊𝘛𝘐𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now