
41 7 12

A/N: WARNING: THIS CHAPTER GOES FROM 0 TO POSITIVE 100000+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. However, if you do end up reading this, enjoy!


Marinette waited curiously for Chat Noir by her balcony, she stared down at the rough sidewalk and scanned the cloudy night sky for signs of a black cat leaping through the clouds. 'Are you sure he'll come?' Tikki whispered to Marinette, uncertain.

"Chat Noir never misses a chance to have croissants, I think he'd be sure to come."

Tikki shivered as a windy storm blew through the balcony, "He's coming! Look Tikki!" Tikki nodded, backing away and slipping back into Marinette's purse. Chat Noir appeared on the balcony railing and as soon as he did, sirens erupted in the distance.

"Chat Noir? What's going on?" Marinette said, suspicious of his attitude. "I-Something's happening, Marinette. It's too dangerous for you to know."

"Can Ladybug know?"

"Er..." Chat Noir thought, uneasy of her rising temper, "She'll get here when she can."

"At least tell me what happened, Chat Noir!"

Chat Noir shook his head, leaving Marinette angered by his reluctant attitude and whispering, "Someone went missing."

Marinette stumbled back into her room and slammed the door behind her just as Chat Noir lept off the roof and spun down into a nearby alleyway, "Claws in," he muttered, feeling a cold spike as he returned as Adrien Agreste.

"Plagg, I'll never escape my father, will I?"

Plagg turned his head, Plagg wasn't speaking with him. Adrien sighed and rolled a piece of cheese out of his pocket, "I guess I deserve that."

Plagg started toward the cheese and gobbled it up without returning a look at Adrien, 'Thank you.'

"You're welcome, Plagg."

'I was talking to the cheese! For-For giving me a successfully satisfying meal!'

Adrien shook his head and sighed just as a bright light flashed into the alley and Adrien shuffled behind a garbage can, "Adrien?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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