Chapter I

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It's a weekend before Christmas, you are out shopping in the city buying last minute gifts rushing around buying for all your family and friends. It's getting dark and you are tired after shopping for hours, you finally make your way to the train station, and barely catch the train in time. Over encumbered and struggling with your bags when one of them suddenly splits, you scream, "OH come on" as the clothes and other small gifts in that bag crash onto the floor of the train. Setting down the bags you begin trying to pick everything up, you then look up and for a moment are startled by me, "Need a hand" I ask as we both start collecting up everything that rolled away and begins putting what we can in the other bags.
"Thank you so much", you smile looking me up and down only now taking notice of my features and you begin to blush.
"Last minute Christmas shopping is it?" I ask
You giggle "ah yea, I always leave it to the last minute" you say taking your seat. I sit down on a free one on the other side of carriage.
"You must be Santa with that many gift" I laugh
"Well it's been a long year might as well make my friends and family happy"
We continue chatting, I compliment you on your jacket as we flirt a little passing the time on the train...

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