Biting the hand that fed you.

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Ever since Gabriel escaped, the Emperor has been ordering his soldiers to go on man hunt after man hunt for him. But the soldiers have been coming up empty on any leads.

Emperor Belos figured as much. He's known Gabriel ever since he first joined his coven. Gabriel was a rather cunning pupil. He's been able to outthink his opponents on the field, even when it seemed like he was pinned down. Belos saw the potential in him, and had declared that he'd be trained alongside Lilith.

She of course found that, Gabriel, could be pretty... difficult, at times.

He had problems following orders at times. He didn't follow certain parts of whatever she and the other coven members planned, and just improvise. But yet, he makes sure each challenge was a success with everyone getting back home safely.

Despite that, Gabriel's skills in magic were outstanding. He could fire powerful blasts of magical energy from his hands like what the humans call a gunslinger. He didn't even need to draw a magic circle in the air to do it! He even had this magic ability that he dubbed as his 'wraith form', which was him turning into a cloud of black smoke or mist to travel or evade.

While Gabriel's stubbornness annoyed him greatly, Belos had to admit that he was good at what he does. Years of training later, Reyes became second in command to Lilith. He became one of the best coven members he's ever had besides Lilith.

But now all that training put into him has come back to bite Belos in the ass.

He had clearly underestimated the extent of Gabriel's cleverness. Each search party Lilith led had turned up empty. Gabriel had learned how to hide from his enemies when being hunted. But considering that he has that wraith form ability of his, he was like a ghost.

But then the day came when, after half a year of disappearing, the emperor's coven finally found a lead.

Someone had reported seeing a figure wearing a black cloak turn into a cloud of black smoke, and disappeared into the woods.

There's only one person in the boiling isles that could do that.

The emperor immediately called in Lilith, and the best soldiers of the coven, into the throne room. After explaining the details to Lilith, and her search party, the coven members immediately raced out of the castle to find and capture Gabriel Reyes.

After what Gabriel did to the soldiers on the rope bridge, which had been replaced with a stone bridge, Belos had warned them to be prepared for a fight.


Lilith and her soldiers arrived in the misty area where the cloaked figure was spotted.

"Keep your guard up everyone. One slip up is all it takes for you to fall victim to Gabriel's attacks." Lilith warned.

"Yes, Lady Lilith." The guards said in unison.

They began their search through the mist, and immediately the guards were on edge. I mean, this was Gabriel Reyes they were hunting! He was second in command to Lilith for a reason!

Suddenly, a twig snapped, and the emperor's coven whipped around to the noise to see a small ball shaped owl the size of a basketball with a light tan body, a white face with a white upper beak, the lower beak being orange, a white lower body, orange feet, a green leaf for a tail feather, a bow tie on its chest made of two green leaves, and adorable black eyes.

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