Chapter Thirteen

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Levi paced the aisles of the 7-11 aimlessly for about ten minutes.

The cashier finally spoke up. "Hey, are you going to buy something or just stand there?"

"Your water fountain is broken."

"Huh?" The man rounded his neck and put his hands on the counter to see the fountain spewing water in the air, then droplets from the bottom steadily forming a puddle in the floor. "Shit! What the fuck?" The cashier ran to the fountain and began to inspect it, but before he could get too close, the water splashed in his face. He sputtered and shook his hands dry as he went into the utility closet.

Levi watched as the man's back was turned. He quickly grabbed a can of soup off the shelf and opened it with the prong.

"Hey, man!" the cashier turned around, a yellow caution sign in-hand. "You have to pay for that."

Levi lifted the can to his lips and began slurping and gobbling up the chunks of potato. He reached in his pocket and laid out change on the counter.

The cashier sighed, placing the sign down, and making his way back to the register.

Levi stood as he counted out each coin individually. He lowered the can away from his lips and grinned. The man glared up from the coins before setting them in the register.

"Exact change, huh." The receipt printed with the sound of an old dial-up.

"You hiring?"

"What?" he yanked the receipt from the perforated edges and threw it to him.

Levi pointed back to the front window where a sign said "Now Hiring Day Shift."

The cashier rubbed his eyes and moaned. "Dude, why didn't you say something?"

He tilted his head back to the fountain. "Because you should really call that in to your boss, so they can have a plumber come out and—"

"Get out before I call the cops." He shook his head and went into a back room.

Levi exited the store, picking out pieces of potato from the can with his fingers.

As he stood in the parking lot, his phone buzzed. Incoming call. He slid the green button to answer.

"Luke! My bud! What's up? Evil stuff? Nah, I'm good. I kind of swiped a can of soup." He looked down the can, its contents starring back of him. A mother with a young child glared at him, then rushed by into the store. "But I did pay for it. Yes, I paid! In the most annoying way possible though. God, that cashier hated me. Huh? You're leaving to find the crown in Belize?" Levi lowered his head and walked across the street. The Mark began to burn his arm. "Belize? No, no. I –" The pain became soring, prickling his arm and digging in under his skin. "I can't, but – Yes, I'm going to look for the Crown. I know I'm behind, but I can still –" He lowered his voice and pursed his lips. "Yeah. I'll talk to you later. Good luck."

After ending the phone call, he threw the can into the street and screamed, pulling himself down to his knees and wrapping his arms around his chest. His eyes burned.

The cashier glanced across the street to the noise and whistled at the sight. "Yup, a lunatic. I was right. You guys have a nice day."

As Marty made her way to her locker after third period, Daniel brushed against her hand and grabbed it.

"Are you going to class?"

She sighed. "Where else would I be going?" Then gripped his hand tighter as they walked down the hallway together. "You ran off this morning before I could catch up. Were you okay?"

The Devil's Tail - The Devil Chronicles Book One - ROUGH DRAFTWhere stories live. Discover now