The Beginning

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The dog's eyes bulged from its socket as the adolescent squeezed him tight.

"He's perfect. Can I keep him, Daddy?"

Her father hummed to distract himself from the burning glare his wife gave.

"I don't see why not."

The wife huffed, crossing her arms.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you! I promise you won't even know he's here."

"Well, you better get him trained." The mother scowled, her eyes shouting disgust from behind her thick-rimmed glasses.

"Oh! What should we name him?" The young teen beamed, overjoyed with the prospect of her first pet.

"Marty, are you even listening to me?"

"What about Rex?" She danced with the dog in her arms, mimicking the movement of a dinosaur.

"Marty Anne!" She was growing restless with her daughter's antics.

"Mom, he'll get trained. I promise."

Submissive of his wife's orders, John approached his child. "Listen, Marty. He's your responsibility. If anything goes wrong, you have to own up to it." He attempted to pat his daughter's head, but fought against it, seeing that she was almost his height anyway.

"So, any names?" She blinked, unfazed by her parents' concern.

Polishing his glasses, he sighed. "What about Duke or Thor? You could name him after a founding father. Franklin or Hamilton. Both have a nice ring to them."

"Hamilton sounds nice," she nodded in agreement, her chin burying into the dog's fur.

Diana threw a hand into the air, infuriated. "Just name him the Devil. That's what he is anyway."

Marty's eyes sparkled as she scanned for their reactions.

"Oh no," her mother relaxed, a look of fear covering her.

"She wasn't serious, Mar."

Pulling the dog to her face, she looked into his dark eyes. "Do you hear that? Your name is Devil."

The Devil's Tail - The Devil Chronicles Book One - ROUGH DRAFTWhere stories live. Discover now