A New Friend, Rose?

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{Ugh. I hate her so fucking much. I'm so fucking tired of her bullshit.} "Nope I mean my room." *You're right, it's your room but soon it'll be our room you just haven't realized that.* "Okay, we're not talking about this again. It's my room and it'll never be our room. We both know the reason why we're here." *Oh but I don't know why I'm here. I don't think I did anything wrong yet.* "I'll see about that. What did you do to Darryl?" *Who the fuck is that? I didn't do anything to anybody.* {Why is she acting dumb, she knows who I'm talking about. Me and Darryl are the only two boys in this whole house.} "You know who I'm talking about, bitch!" *Owch, calling your future girlfriend a bitch isn't very nice, Zaky. And I still have no idea who you're talking about.*

{Maybe she is stupid or she is acting.} "The boy with the dress on?" *OH! That freak has a name?* "Okay, first of all, he's not a freak, and second, what did you do to him?" *I didn't do anything to him. I swear.* "This is your second strike. One more strike and you're gone, you hear?" *Yeah yea-wait WHAT?! Second strike! I JUST said I didn't do ANYTHING and you're giving me a strike! A strike for what?! For doing nothing?!* "Just shut up you've done enough." *ENOUGH!? I haven't even done any-* I interrupted her by saying, "Shut up. 'Sigh' We are going upstairs and you're going to apologize to Darryl." *Why?! I already told you I didn't do anything. I shouldn't be apologizing!*

"Oh well you're apologizing and you have less than five minutes to come up with an apology, come on." We walked up the stairs in silence. When we reached the top of the stairs Flower was going to say something until I looked at her. I mouthed the words 'Shut it.' at her and turned to go to my room. I opened the door and we both went into my room. I see Darryl sitting on my bed looking at both me and Flower. Silence filled up the room as all three of us stared at each other. *Can you stop staring at him? He's taken ya know?* "Who's taken? I'm not and I don't think that you are taken." *Excuse me but I am taken. I'm taken by you, darling.* "Darryl, you can go home. Come back tomorrow at 8 o'clock okay? Me and Flower need to talk about some stuff." *Yeah get out freak!* "Shut up Flower" 'Okay um...where can I change?' "You can change in my bathroom and just leave the clothes on my bed." 'Oh okay.' After he went to the bathroom, I mouthed to Flower to get out. 

We both went outside my room to talk without Darryl listening to us. "Okay, that's it! This is your third strike. Meaning you are fired! I'm done with your BULLSHIT! All you do is threaten anyone who gets close to me and then yell at me for being around them. You don't do your job! I'm done! You're FIRED!"{I'm fucking done with her bullshit. I should have fired her the first time she threatened Niki.} *W-What? No, yo-you can't fire me, Zaky! I NEED this job! How do you expect me to pay the bills?!* "Stop calling me Zaky! I hate it when you call me Zaky! It's fucking annoying!" *B-But my job, Zak!* "Job? What job? Oh, wait, the job you don't do? I hired you to help both me and the other maids around the house. All you did was follow me around, threaten people, flirt with me, and call me yours. That's not your job, your job was to help around the house and you didn't. Then you ask me if I could give you more money for doing nothing!"

{Wow that was a lot. Am I too mean to her? Maybe I should stop or give her another chance. Or should I fire her? Well, I did give her countless chances to be better. I think it's time for her to leave.} *Please give me another chance. I'll do my job and I won't bother you anymore I promise.* "I'm sorry but I have given you way too many chances. I can't give you any more than what I have already given you. You're fired, go change and please leave." *PLEASE ZAK! Please I'll do anything please...* After that she fell to her knees and started crying. {I kind of feel bad...NOT! She deserves this. It's not my problem that she can't pay her bills.} "Get up. You had chances and you wasted them. This is the result of it. Now please leave before I call security to come and get you out." *I'm not leaving until I-* "SECURITY!" Before she could say anything else, my security bodyguards were behind her. 

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