I'm sorry

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I just want to start this out by saying sorry. I know I said that I would rewrite every single chapter but the truth is that I have only done a few. Which would be good except that this book was last update was in like maybe 3 or 2 years.

I got burned out and I did return for a short period of time, I didn't stay long. I "tried" to get help with this "book" but it didn't work out because of me.. Now I DO want to continue this but at the same time I don't really want to continue this anymore.

I'm in highschool now and I'm trying my best not to fail all my classes. I don't have as much free time as I used to have and I don't have as much motivation as before.

And I know that in the past I made "promises" that I couldn't keep but I think that this one WILL be kept. So, I will update at least once a year, I think that IS something that I can promise will happen.

I know that most of you probably lost hope in this because I haven't updated in sometime but for the new people or people who haven't lost hope, give me another chance.

I also know that not that many people will see this but if you do see this tell me what you think in the comments or message me!

I don't know what exactly this is like is it a book, story, fanfic, or all of them? I just don't know what to call this thing. ¯\(ツ)/¯ 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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