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I didn't have any other classes with Bella for the rest of the day. I was on my way to my final class of the day. History. One of my favourite subjects. I entered the class and explained to the teacher how I was new.

"Yes ms Luna Moore" he glances around the classroom and pointed to the last row on the left. "Take a seat next to Mr Hale". I looked around and see the boy with the golden eyes.

I felt him stare at me as I made my way down the rows of desks. I watched him pull his book over to make room for me. I took my seat and pulled out my book and notepad.

I began to take down the few notes that were on the board, I felt him stare at me. I raise a brow and turned to look at him.

"It's rude to stare at someone"

A ghost smile graces his lips. "I apologise ma'am"

I grin. "Ma'am? That's a new one". I look up and glance out the window. Grey clouds were starting to fill out the sky. Did I leave my window open?.

"Okay listen up" Mr Harris clapped his hands in attempt to get everyone's attention. "Today we're starting world war 1, as you all remember last week we covered the civil war and I was disappointed in majority of the essay's I received" he sent them all looks.

"-Now can anyone tell me when World War One started or ended?"

I look around at all the unbothered faces and sighed before racing my hand. "It started July 28, 1914 and went on til November 11, 1918".

He smiled. "Correct How did it start?"

"It started after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. His murder basically started the war"

"Correct again" he stands up. "It's nice to finally have a student who participates".I felt Jasper staring at me again but this time I didn't look, I just stuck my nose in my book and began to read.


The bell ring and i made my way to the lockers, pulling mind open I take out the few books I needed for homework. I see Bella angrily close her locker before walking outside. I jog to her side and nudge her.

"What's up?"

She huffs before opening her truck. "Edward Cullen"

I grin. "What happened with lover boy"

"He was so rude". My grin slips off my mouth and it falls into a straight line.

"What did he do?" I fold my arms across my chest.

She shakes her head. "He not worth it"

"Tell me"

"He basically was glaring at me. Like I can't describe it" she runs her hand through her hair. "He hates me and he's never even spoken to me."

"What an asshole"

"He also kept holding his nose" I gasp.

"Excuse me he what" she laughs.

"Yea but I showered this morning so there's no way I smell bad?" She bites her lip. "Can you just smell my hair. I know that sounds weird-"

I lean in and take a whiff of her hair. "All I smell is mint" 

Her shoulders sag: "good"

"Listen Bella don't let him get to you he's a Jerk"

"I know but still"

"Give me your phone and I'll put in my number" she pulls out it and hands it to me.

"I forgot I didn't have it". I type in my number and call myself.

"There sorted"

"Thanks for today Luna. You really helped me get through this day"

"I'm a blessing" I bow. "I'll see you tomorrow Bells"
She reversed her truck out and waved at me before driving away. I was angry for her, Edwards behaviour towards her was unacceptable.

I unlock my car and put my books on the passenger seat. I sat my car and look around the parking lot. The Cullens were staring at me. I watched Edwards face fall into a frown.

This isn't uncomfortable at all.

I pull out of my spot and drive away. Pulling into my street I park the car in the driveway. My moms car wasn't there so she must've left for work.

"Hey baby how are you" Ace yaps and follows me upstairs. I lay on my bed and lift Ace up: "today was exhausting. He looks at me with his brown eyes and I laugh. "Shame you can't talk bubba".

I open my wardrobe and pull out a jumper and leggings. I tie my hair up in a ponytail and slip on my vans.

"How about walk!" He stands up on my bed and i watch his tail go side to side. He hops off the bed and grabs his leash from the shelf. "Good boy" I scratch his ear and clip on the lead.

I pull on my jacket and leave the house. The houses were spread out loads. Each house with a shrub or bush for privacy. My house was on the end of the lot.

I walk towards the path but ace looks at the forest and pulls me in that direction. "Seriously the woods?". He barks again and I sigh. We walk for a good bit the trees were tall and blocked out most of the light only rays of light that could break through the heavy branches lit up the floor.

The birds chirping made me smile, a large field full of wild flowers. "It's beautiful". I unclip aces lead and watch him him try bounce through the high flowers. I began walking through the meadow.

There was a small stream in the centre. I sat down next to it and listen to the water run. Ace rolled on his back and wiggled in the grass.

He prances over to me and splashes in the water.

"You know you're going to have to get a bath now" he stops what he's doing and looks up at me when I say bath.  I giggle. "This is our place okay". He licks my face and I kiss his head.

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