Day 1- Figuring Things Out (part 2)

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Warning! Contains: swearing, blood


I couldn't breathe. My head started pounding. It felt like the end of the world. I don't know where all the air had gone, but it's gone. All of it. I can't. 

Where did everyone go? Where are they? I can't see anyone! "Hello?" I try to call out, but all that  came out was a little squeak. 

Suddenly, I feel myself being moved. I don't know how or where, but I'm moving. And I feel safe. 

I try to move my arms and legs, but they stay still as a prick. I try to call out for help, but my voice squeaks again and no one answers. 

I feel someone's breath on mine. Who is that? Where is everyone I know? Why can't I see anything? Or breathe, for that matter? 

I wasn't controlling my own breath. I wasn't breathing, someone else was making me breathe. And that someone is Aang. He's helping me. 

I was finally able to breath on my own again, and I shot my eyes open. The light, oh, Spirits, it's to much! I shut my eyes closed and flinched my hands up. 

Aang brought my hands down to my lap, and I saw nothing but his face. The light was gone. It was just a dim flame in the corner of the room now. He put it out. 

He leaned in and pecked my lips before getting in the bed next to me. That's when I realized I was in a bed. What was even happening right now? 

I turned so I was facing Aang. I decided he would protect my head. I lent it into his chest and he kissed the top of it. 

"Goodnight, sweetie," he whispered so quietly that even I could barely hear it. Perfect volume, actually. 

I smiled. "Goodnight," I squeaked. And with that, my eyes closed and the pounding stopped. 


"Tara, babe, come on," Aang said. I opened my eyes and found it not as bright as the last time I did that. "Aang?" I asked. He smiled and lent in to peck me. 

"I'm sorry, what now?" I asked. All I remember is going to sleep. "Oh, shit!" he whisper-screamed, grabbing the top of his head. I frowned. 

"What's wrong?" I whispered. My head was slightly pounding, but it wasn't that bad. "Tara, what's the last thing you remember?" he whisper-asked me. I thought for a moment. 

"Uhm, us falling asleep in the bed," I whispered. Aang sighed. "Before that?" I sat up and winced at a scar. 

"You running off to kill Psycho," I whispered. "Did you do that?" Aang sighed and shook his head, lightly pecking the top of my forehead as I blushed. 

"No, sweetie. I couldn't leave. I knew I wouldn't find the ship again and just couldn't leave you," he whispered, making me blush again. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, getting up and leaning into Aang as he helped me walk to Spirits know where. 

"Outside. Come on, some light'll be good for you," he said. I smiled and 5 minutes later, due to me leaning on Aang the whole time, we made it there, and my head wasn't even pounding. 

"Hey, Kat," Sokka whispered, walking away from Suki to take me from Aang's hands. I lent onto him and he picked me up, placing me down next to Aang on a bench. 

"So who stopped Aang?" I asked. "We did," the twins replied. We all were whispering, if we didn't my head would explode. And I don't want that. 

"The bracelets! Girls, how?" I asked. El handed me one and I put it up on my upper left arm, right in between two scrapes from the kidnapping. 

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