Chapter 3

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I couldn't tell you how different my life has been since the night of the club. It's only been a few weeks and I've never felt more like myself.

I'm not one to go out and hookup with random strangers, never have been. But something about that night and that guy made me want to be someone different, if only for the time being.

I've been texting Liam occasionally since then, just checking to see how his day is going, exchanging a few small get-to-know-you details. He's been the perfect gentleman so far, and it scares the hell out of me.

I'm not used to nice guys. I've only ever dated once and that turned out to be the worst mistake of my life. It's only caused me pain and suffering. I'm not even sure what it would be like to have a normal relationship with someone who isn't psychologically challenged.

I pick up my phone just as it buzzes, and Liam's name pops up on the screen.

Liam: Good afternoon. How's your day going?

I type out a quick reply as I'm pouring coffee for my boss.

Nova: Going well. Just working my ass off. I hope your day is going well, too.

His reply is almost instantaneous.

Liam: I hope you get time off from work because it'll take a while for you to truly work that ass off.

I burst out laughing in the middle of the break room, not once thinking if someone might hear me. I slide my phone back into the pocket of my dress pants and make a mental note to text him back once I'm at my desk again.

Being an assistant for an editor isn't so bad. I like being able to see the process of a book going from words on a document to a printed work of art. Seeing so many different ideas come to life is also fun, because it lets me experience worlds before anyone else gets the chance to.

I hate that I'm leaving this place, but if I get the internship that I want, I'll be stepping down as my boss's part-time assistant. This internship will be much better for me because I'll actually be able to be a part of the publishing process and who knows, maybe I'll even be able to edit a book of my own.

There's no other way to get your name out there than to take chances, and this internship will be a big chance.

I still haven't heard back from it, but school doesn't start for another few weeks, and they're not supposed to make the announcement until the week before, at least that's what it said on the application. I just hope that I get it because it's paid, and it'll allow me to have an income and not be forced to keep this job or find a secondary one.

I'm fortunate that I have a roommate who pays her half of the rent because if not, I'd be shit up a creek with no paddle.

Speaking of the devil, I say to myself.

"Hey Mia," I say, holding my phone to my ear. "What's up?"

"I'm feeling a girl's night tonight. What do you think?"

"Sounds good to me. I'll be off in an hour."

"Nice. I'll get the takeout and you get the ice cream. Is Chinese good with you?"

"What kind of question is that?" I laugh. "Duh."

"Okay, see you at home." As soon as the words are out of her mouth, the call ends. No goodbyes...nothing. But that's just Mia. When she's done, she's done.

Three more coffee refills, four manuscripts printed, and seven appointments rescheduled later, I'm finally able to leave the office. I love being an assistant, I do, but I want to be able to finally get my hands dirty.

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