The Dancer

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You can see it
In her eyes
The burning embers
Of a dying flame
Her motions slow, yet powerful
Telling us a story without words

Spinning and twirling ever so gracefully
A delicate flower petal, carried by wind's embrace
Prancing across the room
As jovial as a springtime foal
Only to stumble and crumble to the ground

Distilled wrath struck down upon her

A fleeting glance towards the audience
A haunting gaze of helplessness in her eyes..
Crawling towards the edge desperately
Chaining herself to a prison of her own making

It was as if she understood
No matter how much she pleaded for salvation
Sinister beings would always find a way to ensnare and torment her

Everyone stood and cheered
Applauding the most captivating performance of their lives
In their eyes, it was
However I knew better

Those who choose to see the creases in her pages, would know
Though who am I to interpret such things
For I am nothing but a mere spectator

Aren't I ?


A/N: Hello lovelies ~ it's been a minute hasn't it? Totally not a few months... *coughs*. I'm sorry I haven't updated like I said I would, things became hectic and it got hard to stay motivated. I'll try to remember to post more- since this book isn't done and I'm not sure why the tag said it was completed but oh well. I hope you're all doing well during this pandemic and if not I wish you all the best. Nightie night <3

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