Hollow Love

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Every night is restless
Every waking hour
I cannot withstand the thought of you

Remembering the sight of your alluring eyes that torment my soul
Your dazzling features that which make my own now writhe in pain

Your warm charismatic charm that made my emotions ascend to the heavens in a heartbeat...

And yet you let it all crash down to the scorching unforgiving flames of hell
With your betrayal searing itself into my flesh and blood, marking me, poisoning every atom that is my being

Because of your arrogance and disloyalty
I have forgotten how to reciprocate the feeling of love or compassion without it seeming so artificial

I have forgotten what it was like to live a life without the decorated mask that is now my face

But you know what? That's okay
Because even while my mind cannot forget what you have done to me

My heart can never regain its ability to love or hate or do anything at all..

but remain as the cold hollow shell of my former self you've made me out to be...

Hollow Love 7/19/17

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