The Escape~part 1

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I turned on the TV and waited
for the meeting to start while
a perfect human being is sleeping on me...

[Victor's POV]

"Rise and shine everyone! wakey wakey!"

The living room was mostly half asleep,
I myself being one of them.

"Everyone please take a seat!
As you all know we have a way to escape but it will need a lot of planning so by the end of the week we will all be out and exploring the world outside the Manor!"
Emily exclaimed.

Everyone tried to cheer but it ended up being this pathetic cheer,



Emily started clapping loudly attempting to wake up the almost sleeping survivors more.

"So how are we going to escape?"

Patrica asked while brushing out Fionas long hair,

"Excellent question Ms.Dorval, one group will be escaping each night.
Ms.Woods was planting some crops today and found a secret hatch in the floor inside the garden,
We called Freddy to map out most of the underground passage for us with my assistance"

Everyone looked at Eli when he raised his hand,

"Yes Mr.Clark?"

"How do we know it's safe? I'm not willing to lose someone I love again.."
He seemed a little sad at the last part of what he was saying,  wonder who he's talking about?...

"Sadly we don't know if it is, that's why we need everyone's help and attention for this to work, Any more questions?"

Everyone looked around and nodded their heads no,

"Perfect now let's get to the plan"
Emily took a deep breath before she started talking again.

"Everyone will be in teams of four to ensure everyone's safety, we all will be divided from strongest to weakest so there's at least one strong person in each group.
We have made separate maps for everyone so everyone will go through the tunnels at different time,
Once you're out we will stay at a meeting point until we plan our next moves.

Eli gave a confused tired hum

"If you would be such a dear and let Ms.Brooklyn-Rose escort everyone through the tunnels since you will automatically be in group one and she can protect someone if needed?"

"Sure i guess..."

I have called the Owner saying there was a safety issue so in result we are able to room with each other,
we will be rooming with our chosen escape group does everyone understand?"

Everyone mumbled or shook their head yes ,

"Alright now go decide your groups we will alter them if we need to."

"Hey Vic let's partner up eh!"
Naib shoved my shoulder playfully

I continued Scribbling on my notepad,
"Let's ask Andrew to join us! But who will be our fourth person?"
Naib looked around as he tapped on his chin.
His face suddenly lit up as he went off into the crowd of people now looking around,
Huh..I'll ask Andrew first then...
"Hey Andrew do you wanna join me and Naib's group?"
Andrew nodded his head softly as
Naib came back with someone clinging onto his arm.

His feelings towards me {Identityv PostmanxGravekeeper/ AndrewxVictor}Where stories live. Discover now