The Escape~part 2

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I'll confess to him tomorrow...

[Victor's POV]

I was Awakened by two males shaking a sleeping gravekeeper..

"5 more...hours..."
Andrew groaned as he turned to face away from Mike and Naib,
Mike got off the bed and grabbed the box full of things and packed an equal amount of snacks in each of our bags.

I yawned as I watched Naib successfully drag Andrew off the bed but struggle to pick him up,
Andrew soon gave up and stood up brushing off his Pyjamas.

"Hey Andrew can I borrow this?"
I held up a mini flower pin similar to the one he wears all the time that was originally on the floor,
He nodded softly as I grabbed my usual red outfit.

Someone softly knocked the door..
"Ill get it!"
"Hello! Is everyone ready?"
Emily smiled,
We all nodded yes as she escorted us to the garden.

I put on my backpack and picked up Wick,
"Aww! Wick baby you better be waiting for me!"
Demi gave Wick a goodbye pat then looked at me
"Stay safe for me and Wick okay?"
She softly smiled as she gave me a tiny kiss on the cheek!
My face flared up as I waved goodbye to her,

"Bye everyone!"
Mike yelled

Mike went down the hatch first, then Naib, Andrew grabbed my hand and assisted me down,
Once we all got down Emma waved goodbye then closed the hatch.

Mike complained, we were all in ankle length sewage water.

"Come on lets go!"
We all stepped out the water and ran down the tunnel!

We all sat down after a while from exhaustion,
"Hey do you guys hear that?"

Tick, tick, tick

Andrew reached into his pocket to show off a pocket watch that was ticking.
It's been an hour already since we left,
"Here lets continue walking if we're lucky we might be able to catch up with another group!"
Naib said getting himself up, we all picked up our flashlights and continued down.

"The map shows 3 tunnels coming up which one should we go to?"
Mike asked as we flashed our lights around,
"Look over there!"
I flashed my light to a note on the wall
"Heh how cheesy! Here lets go down this one!"
Naib laughed as he ran down the tunnel
I ran after him
"Dont go after them! Look!"


A white smoke was coming out of the walls!
Me and Naib realized this was a trap and tried running back to mike and Andrew...


I'm awfully tired...

Maybe a tiny nap would be okay....

[Andrew's POV]

Once the white fog disappeared i ran over to Vic,
"They're deep asleep"
Mike sighed then continued checking Victor and Naib's pulse
"come on let's rest here until they wake up"
We position them to where they were leaning on the wall so they wouldn't fall into the green water.
Mike popped off the cap of his water bottle, drank some water, then started talking once again

His feelings towards me {Identityv PostmanxGravekeeper/ AndrewxVictor}Where stories live. Discover now